Cole Palmer
Cole Palmer   Palestinian Territory, Occupied
Nylig aktivitet
377 timer registreret i alt
sidst spillet d. 11. jan.
4,5 timer registreret i alt
sidst spillet d. 10. jan.
1.292 timer registreret i alt
sidst spillet d. 31. dec. 2024
Niher 5. dec. 2024 kl. 14:50 
I'm gonna bust all over your face !! ( ≧ᗜ≦)
DeadCorpseLady 22. nov. 2024 kl. 16:14 
"Everybody, run! He knows about the hawk tuah legend!!" we all shouted in unison as we made our way through the woods.

It was a bad idea to go camping during the hawk tuah moon but we were just a bunch of teenagers who were bored and we didn't believe the legend until we saw it. My life flashed before my eyes when it happened, he just appeared out of nowhere and whispered "hawk tuah on it or it will be the end."

I remember running so fast, leaving all my friends behind with the hawk tuah entity. To this day, I do not know if they're okay or if the hawk tuah got them.
Niher 7. nov. 2024 kl. 8:02 
And dattebayo so, dattebayo the dattebayo two dattebayo anime dattebayo lovers dattebayo spent dattebayo the dattebayo whole dattebayo weekend dattebayo yelling dattebayo “dattebayo” dattebayo at dattebayo every dattebayo anime dattebayo panel, dattebayo cosplayer, dattebayo and dattebayo giant dattebayo robot dattebayo they dattebayo saw. dattebayo They dattebayo left dattebayo Anime dattebayo Paradise dattebayo with dattebayo a dattebayo ton dattebayo of dattebayo memories dattebayo and dattebayo even dattebayo more dattebayo “dattebayo!”
Niher 7. nov. 2024 kl. 8:01 
“DATTEBAYO!” dattebayo they dattebayo both dattebayo shouted, dattebayo running dattebayo to dattebayo join dattebayo the dattebayo crowd dattebayo of dattebayo ninjas. dattebayo As dattebayo they dattebayo entered, dattebayo Kai dattebayo turned dattebayo to dattebayo Yuki dattebayo and dattebayo said, dattebayo “I dattebayo never dattebayo thought dattebayo I’d dattebayo find dattebayo someone dattebayo who dattebayo loves dattebayo anime dattebayo as dattebayo much dattebayo as dattebayo me, dattebayo dattebayo.” dattebayo Yuki dattebayo smiled, dattebayo “Well, dattebayo that’s dattebayo why dattebayo we dattebayo were dattebayo meant dattebayo to dattebayo be dattebayo friends— dattebayo and dattebayo ultimate dattebayo anime dattebayo partners!”
Niher 7. nov. 2024 kl. 8:01 
They dattebayo packed dattebayo their dattebayo bags dattebayo with dattebayo plushies, dattebayo manga, dattebayo and dattebayo a dattebayo ridiculous dattebayo amount dattebayo of dattebayo pocky. dattebayo The dattebayo journey dattebayo to dattebayo Anime dattebayo Paradise dattebayo took dattebayo three dattebayo days, dattebayo but dattebayo they dattebayo finally dattebayo arrived. dattebayo The dattebayo convention dattebayo center dattebayo was dattebayo massive, dattebayo filled dattebayo with dattebayo cosplayers, dattebayo merch dattebayo booths, dattebayo and dattebayo even dattebayo an dattebayo entire dattebayo section dattebayo dedicated dattebayo to dattebayo Naruto!
Niher 7. nov. 2024 kl. 8:01 
“Kai,” dattebayo Yuki dattebayo said, dattebayo “do dattebayo you dattebayo think dattebayo we’ll dattebayo meet dattebayo any dattebayo actual dattebayo ninjas dattebayo there?” dattebayo Kai dattebayo grinned. dattebayo “Yuki, dattebayo we’re dattebayo going dattebayo to dattebayo the dattebayo largest dattebayo anime dattebayo convention dattebayo in dattebayo the dattebayo world. dattebayo Of dattebayo course dattebayo there dattebayo will dattebayo be dattebayo ninjas! dattebayo And dattebayo samurais! dattebayo And dattebayo maybe dattebayo even dattebayo giant dattebayo robots!”