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Geplaatst: 14 feb om 18:50

Wow.. I just.. I am speechless.
Let me first start off by the fact that giving a negative review to such a masterpiece like Tunic is bringing me to tears.
This is a masterpiece. Level design, enemy design, art style, OST. This is a masterpiece of a game.
It has everything, amazing bossfights, wonderful exploration, and it plays with your mind a lot in terms of "Hey, remember that thing you've been seeing every 3 seconds? Now you can interact with it!"
Now, and it pains me to do this, I have to go to the negatives.
The game has some questionable choices, first off a lot of the info is hidden behind a made up font, I don't know if we're supposed to decipher it, but it makes me feel like I'm missing on a lot of stuff. I am a lore nerd, and there is nothing I want more than some good, juicy lore, but reading a sign or a journal page and being met with what I at first thought was some asian language is dissapointing.
Second, the combat. The enemies are amazing! You have so many enemies, and you need to learn all of their move sets, and then there's you. You have the following:
3 hit combo, block attack, parry attack. Except if you want to use special weapons which, good luck managing mana (Or good luck not getting hit if you choose to replace your potions with mana potions)
And that was fine for me. The combat on my side was bland but whatever, parrying and annihilating an opponent was the best feeling ever.
But, oh boy. One of the 2 main reasons I'm writing this negative review:
The parry.
I am an addict for games like Sekiro, and seeing that I can parry was like a child waking up and seeing snow. My eyes lit up. I can parry the entire game. That's it.
And then.. the questionable choice of the parry animation.
When you start a parry, Tunic (Or Rune Seeker, I believe) first takes like a solid 1-2 second break before your parry comes into place. At first I LOVED this, it meant I had to learn an enemy's attack pattern to parry them, but later on, we got some unpredictable enemies who would sometimes walk up to me, I'd start a parry, then they'd just afk for a few seconds, my parry would went off, and then they'd hit me. Okay, not all enemies are parryable! Sucks, but okay!
And then..
I am writing this at 3:45 am. I have lost several hours to this:
The final boss.
Good. Lord.
Its like making a gourmet cake, and then putting raisins into it - people will handle it, but most people will wonder why.
This guy...
Its so hard to even start...
He has about 7 attacks. Lets say 8 for simplicity sake
2 are not parriable, so ignore those, however:
The rest 6 are, and the game obviously wants you to parry him! He's super hard to dodge otherwise, drains your stamina like crazy otherwise and just takes no damage withour parries.
The problem? Those attacks are grouped into 2, 3 groups of 2. In each group, there is one attack where you have to parry, and another where you have to dodge.
And guess what? There is NO distinguishing features between the attack.
I found myself parrying the air so many times because I thought he'll do one attack but he never did. It is impossible to tell the attacks apart, and it literally makes parrying him an rng fest. I managed to parry him 6+ times in a row once, yet the other time I couldn't even once.
Keep in mind, there are some attacks where if you start your parry the MILLISECOND the boss starts an attack, you're too late, so you have to "predict" him
Godlike ost, amazing buildup... And such a dissapointing, sad boss...
Leaving this negative review brings me to tears.
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