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投稿日: 2024年4月16日 17時55分

I'm really surprised at how a big problem is how anomaly is a "playthrough of its own"
Which, its really not, and honestly the only thing I can say is you're just playing it wrong
Anything big will be a playthrough of its own if you interact with it constantly, I had been doing that, but about 2 ingame months, I stopped interacting with what anomaly gives you and the only difference I felt was I had a strong colonist and I had 2 slightly different raids
No, this isn't a "playthrough of its own", you just don't know how to play it
Its stupid, I know, this is a sandbox game, but genuinely anomaly gave it a way to play it wrong, and these people do, because Anomaly doesn't fit most play styles and lord knows how these people play.
So yeah no, its not a playthrough of its own, and its amazing, and gives incredible potential for mods, all I can say is there are 2 slightly annoying "anomalies" but they are annoying, not game breaking or difficult, lol.
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