Игровое время за последние 2 недели:

Просмотреть глобальную статистику достижений
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Получено 1 из 18 (6%) достижений:
Личные достижения

The Beginning

Find an escape in Level 0.
Дата получения: 2 мар в 15:48

Covenant of Thieves

Find an escape in Level 1.

Rust and Rend

Find an escape in Level 2.

Clerical Desolation

Find an escape in Level 4.

Abyssal Echoes

Find an escape in Level 6.

A Tranquil Sojourn

Find an escape in Level 37.

Footsteps in Limbo

Find an escape in Level !.

The Commencement

Escape Level 0 in Purgatory difficulty.

Level 1 (Purgatory)

Escape Level 1 in Purgatory difficulty.

Level 2 (Purgatory)

Escape Level 2 in Purgatory difficulty.

Level 4 (Purgatory)

Escape Level 4 in Purgatory difficulty.

Level 6 (Purgatory)

Escape Level 6 in Purgatory difficulty.

Level 37 (Purgatory)

Escape Level 37 in Purgatory difficulty.

Level ! (Purgatory)

Escape Level ! in Purgatory difficulty.

Скрытых достижений осталось: 4

Информация о каждом достижении будет доступна после его получения