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OláhTsunade 13 oct. à 15h05 
Imagine you are so bad best you can do with wh and 1 ping is a draw...
Maverick 13 oct. à 14h05 
This ♥♥♥♥♥ is playing with WH . REPORT!!!
OláhTsunade 13 oct. à 14h02 
insane connection but still cant play on his own is a big L
Z НАРУТО 31 ГОД V 1 oct. à 14h05 
Far 2 sept. à 13h10 
Thank you so much for respecting the Fair Play Guidelines so we could enjoy a safe and fun space together. Good Game and Well Played, cheers ¨(^w^)¨
SinnaJens 2 sept. à 13h06 
Most likely using wh