Virginia, United States
:bigjohn: "Don't bend; don't water it down; don't try to make it logical; don't edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly."
В сети
Витрина перфекциониста
cyperus 16 янв в 12:50 
Stuff to Buy
• Expensive alcohol
• Lots of alc ohol
Bunch of pokemon cards (try to tell him what pokemon is as if its some new thing like
• Buying parakeets from Petco
Wait for the birds to stop chirping to record rap music
Put cream soda in water bowl
Fill fridge with unbagged meat. Keep drinks in the fridge. Meat trap
Need like 10k cash to buy scratch tickets etc.
• Quarter pound of weed
• Empty litterbox
• A bunch of dead wasps
• Lean
• Enough vapes for everybody to be doing it constantly
Fill empty mouth wash bottles with blue gatorade