shmol taco🌮
rox (she/her)
สร้างโดย - 𝘿𝙍𝙀𝘿𝘿
979 ผู้โหวต
SpartanKNG 27 ก.ย. @ 2: 44pm 
Însă El le-a zis:

– L-am văzut pe Satan[a] căzând din cer ca un fulger. Iată, v-am dat autoritate să călcaţi peste şerpi, peste scorpioni şi peste toată puterea duşmanului, şi nimic nu vă va răni! Totuşi, nu vă bucuraţi de faptul că duhurile vi se supun, ci bucuraţi-vă de faptul că numele voastre sunt scrise în ceruri! ( Luca 10:18 )
zheka_nya 3 ส.ค. @ 2: 50am 
+rep killed me, but cute
FREAKY 2 ส.ค. @ 4: 44am 
+rep putza grasa
Miso Soup 22 ก.ค. @ 9: 23am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
‘shouldn’t be there’ NASA's Curiosity rover has made a groundbreaking discovery on Mars, finding pure sulfur crystals that shouldn't be there. The rover discovered the yellowish-green crystals while searching for evidence of a habitable past on the Red Planet. This is the first time elemental sulfur has been seen on Mars, and it's an unexpected find that adds to the growing evidence that Mars was once a world with flowing water and potentially life-sustaining elements like carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and phosphorus
These elements combined make up 98 per cent of living matter on Earth.:slimetabby:
dead mouse 22 มิ.ย. @ 3: 13am 
+rep girlfriend
Money 6 เม.ย. @ 1: 51pm 
romanian taco