Ethan   Ohio, United States
Main Account got banned from using a skin changer. 2,200 Hours, 5 year vet, been playing CS:GO since release. More info about me below

MLG Columbus 2016, VIP Guest.

MLG Columbus was insane, I will never forget the event. While there I met tons of friends I am in contact with today and got this jersey [] signed by players such as, KennyS, S1mple, Moses, Semmler, Taz, Hiko, and many more. I had the opportunity to get 8 pins while I was there (a guy who worked there hooked me up since it was my birthday lol) and I wound up pulling 3 Genuine Guardian pins which i sold 1 for 150$ on ebay and have the other for no reason on my desk. The rest of the pins are on the jersey in the link

Started playing CS:GO as a gift from my uncle in 2012, I was 10 years old and had just gotten into gaming on PC and gaming in general. Since then not much has changed, I love CS:GO, love 2k and basketball in general.

My old ESEA []

FACEIT, dont play much []

Old Account

I was here
Currently Offline