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57.4 horas nas 2 últimas semanas / 4,544.4 hrs em registo (4,188.6 horas no momento da análise)
Publicada: 5 mai. 2021 às 17:36
Atualizada: 17 de jul. às 0:59

You're not playing this game solo. You'll be on the floor bleeding out for 5 minutes because the Killer takes losing as a personal attack. Your teammates are clueless on what teamwork is or just want to troll.

I recommend playing with friends. If you're playing Killer then have some company with you while you play. Keep up on whatever the "meta" is and what players are exploiting. BHVR will push out DLC after DLC and break the game every patch to fix later. Months later. Get use to it.
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