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20.4 hrs on record
Early Access Review
This game is wildly fun. It is buggy, it is rough around the edges, it has jank, but that could not stop me and my friends from having an absolute blast. I have faith the kinks will be ironed out. The devs are a team of 8 and they definitely are on to something here. By no means was the game unplayable.

You might lose a few matches to bugs, but I've come to expect that with just about every high budget title I play. Games will crash sometimes, networking errors might happen. Stuff happens. The 9 hours I put into this game only gave me one hard crash, and no game breaking bugs for me that were unable to be resolved in match with some in the field gamer creativity.

The sound design is great, music is great. Creature design is great. Solid core gameplay loop. The trailer is a good representation of what the game is like. Playing it yourself will be the best representation though of course, highly recommend people just try it out.

There are other comments that will outline more of the rough edges and bugs it has for those curious about more specifics. For the price this game is being sold for though, I'm already thoroughly happy with the value I've gotten. I'm of the belief it can only get better from here, and where it's at now is already one helluva fun game.
Posted 3 February. Last edited 25 February.
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6.5 hrs on record
It is insane that it is legal to even sell games in this condition. I definitely thought it was going to be pretty rough based on what I briefly skimmed through, but wow. It is UNPLAYABLE for many people, me included. Can't progress past the Cruise Ship, and it was a nightmare getting that far. Disappointing. Buyer beware, buyer bewareeeeeeeee.

Just play Chaos Theory with widescreen fix and other tweaks you can read in guides on here and you'll be golden. Maybe someday Double Agent won't be treated like rotten sun baked roadkill. For now, we don't live in that world.
Posted 30 December, 2024.
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447.2 hrs on record (327.9 hrs at review time)
EDIT: I will leave the review I had written before the big 9/17 patch on the bottom. To illustrate how strongly I felt about the direction Arrowhead had been taking the game in. They were substantially and consistently altering the trajectory of its post launch release in ways many of us players were not anticipating based on our initial experiences with the game. I did not pay buy every warbond, only to be left with a few viable options to even use unless I wanted to fail my team by not carrying my own weight. I had stakes in them making a game I loved fun again.

And holy moly, did they ever....I have been having a blast trying out all the different weapons and strategems, and not playing a running away/wait for strategems to cooldown simulator. Even munitions and ordinance that aren't my favorites to use are still a blast to play with because they all consistently can hold their own now.

That patch they released well and beyond surpassed my expectations and idealized desires for the HD2 gameplay experience. An experience that had been constrained and bottlenecked from the top down, only to now be a parade of unique loadouts from every Helldiver you come across holding their own and gleefully giggling through the mics as they are ragdolled halfway across the map from a friendly 500kg. The galactic tug of war feel so much less lopsided.

For anyone reading that's made it this far, I want to emphasize that the difficulty of the game has not been nerfed from the buffs that we got as players. Playing with randoms, you will still burn through reinforcements. A tight squad with some real aces on their A game will find themselves going through less reinforcements than before...but that is not because things are quiet and easy. You still have to absolutely fight for your life and keep your eye on the ball if you want to knock it out of the park. Victories are not served up on a silver platter, you have to go into the kitchen with all of the cookware and ingredients and make it happen!

For anybody having too easy of a time with the new patch, switch up your loadouts, find worst teammates to help that require you to pull further weight. I do ultimately feel bad for those few players who did appreciate the pretty ridiculous challenge HD2 had before the big patch, but I feel like that is better addressed through enemy spawn numbers, enemy spawn types, environmental modifiers, new objective types, level hazards.

We simply need even higher difficulties, Just keep going up to 16 if you ask me... HD1 when up to 15. They have the bottom half of the difficulty curve ironed out well, tons of players are happy. Now just hammer out the top half, and this game will be even more historical than its already slated to be.

I don't want difficulty to come from the fact we get equipped with peashooters that come with 3 mags in a game up against massive hordes and ground shaking heavies. Spongy enemies, are notoriously, the laziest difficulty balance there is, outside of just dialing up the spawn numbers on their own.

I am not in that crowd of people, although I always appreciate having those higher difficulties available for when I am feeling like really trying my heart out with a team. I am exceedingly happy with the current state of the game. I am very pleased they not only revamped the game, but they revamped the way they are taking player feedback too.

This game is one of my favorites of all time. I loved it from day 1, and I love it even more now, like making it through a rocky patch in a relationship with somebody that at the end of day, you just wanted to be happy, and be happy with. I hope the devs who were responsible for the poor direction and changes made don't take it close too heart that the majority of the playerbase simply were not interested in the type of game they were slowly steering towards. I do respect it. Many of us got a taste for the co op horde shooter extravaganza HD2 was at launch, and we simply can not and will not forget it. We wanted more of that, not less.

Arrowhead, thank you very much for listening and redirecting course. This was the 1st game I'd ever felt so strongly about and desperate to ensure my feedback made it out there that I went to Steam reviews to do so.
I am happy to revise my review, just giving my honest review of the state of the game now and how I feel about it.

Happy diving everybody, I'll see you all in Hell.


[[[ I don't have time to laundry list the dozens of nonsensical decisions and blunders the devs have put this game and the playerbase through.

I am desperate for devs to listen and actually fix their game and learn how to communicate with a playerbase. I clearly have a lot of love for the game with this many hours in. I feel like an abuse victim having been here since launch....only to still be clowned on by a studio that wants us to run out of ammo and be forced to use their crappy throwing knife according to the PS Blog. A studio that "wants to be the next FromSoftware".

Like.....really guys ??????????????

What have they been putting in the water over at Arrowhead?


From just about every scrap of information I've listened to over the months about the development process, I have no clue how Arrowhead even developed baseline vanilla HD2 before all their frantic scrambling to further tune it and change it and fix stuff , that we shouldn't still be dealing with as bugs. It's not like the game released two weeks ago.

They made so much money...

You were the chosen ones, now you are a disappointment and have eroded most of playerbase trust and goodwill. After MONTHS of the playerbase being one of the most supportive and enthusiastic bases formed in 2024.

I cross my fingers that the collective action of individuals like you, like me, may lead to our liberation from Arrowhead's hubris and authority. We might be able to trust them with a game we've all paid for and still can't help but hope for the best for.

You have not been acting democratically Arrowhead. ]]]
Posted 13 August, 2024. Last edited 4 October, 2024.
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