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t.tv/K4ShN- 4 Mar, 2019 @ 5:04pm 
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Rodraginho_ 4 Feb, 2019 @ 1:06pm 
☎ Kiana 23 Nov, 2018 @ 5:55pm 
:whiterose: ✲ :sunflower: ✲ :Yummmmy: ✲ :balloon: ✲ :poop: ✲ :ZE3_Decision: ✲ :y_star: ✲ :bloodsplat: ✲ :PurpleSphere: ✲ :yummyhamburger: ✲ :ruby: ✲ :lilacR: ✲ :rosebud: ✲ :alkat: ✲ :DuncanFree:
Scully: And Mulder, when you see Skinner to hand in your field
report, I know that it's your decision, but I hope that
you know that I'd consider it MORE than a professional
loss if you decided to leave.

"The X-Files: The Host"

Mulder: (to Scully) I think you drooled on me.

"The X-Files: Pusher"
:ZombillieMushrooms: ✲ :zgblob: ✲ :ZE3_Escape: ✲ :zzcarniplant: ✲ :smileud: ✲ :Dragonic: ✲ :GreenSphere: ✲ :b_ball: ✲ :skillhealth: ✲ :g_heart: ✲ :amethyst: ✲ :emerald: ✲ :GoldenH: ✲ :greenlightorb: ✲ :poop_narco:
IMZ 9 Feb, 2018 @ 3:39pm 
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