[PBS] Daniel Andres 3. März um 9:02 
Added to the list, just be aware that I am a little slow delivering these days :)
bradleyallen17 2. März um 12:43 
would love to see a qpr skin for fm
[PBS] Daniel Andres 11. Feb. um 23:23 
Can certainly try. Torino FC on the waiting list.
Extinction 11. Feb. um 8:18 
can u make please Torino FC
[PBS] Daniel Andres 9. Feb. um 7:17 
And we have Juventus as well
Kirklander 8. Feb. um 9:28 
tyvm bud appreciated :)
[PBS] Daniel Andres 8. Feb. um 9:09 
Real Madrid skin published
[PBS] Daniel Andres 8. Feb. um 3:58 
@Kirklander - East Fife v2 published. Few more older photos + opacity added for backgrouns (which will make a regular feature on future skins).
Kirklander 23. Jan. um 6:58 
brilliant :) looking forward to it m8
[PBS] Daniel Andres 22. Jan. um 14:08 
FM24 work coming up next weekend !
Kirklander 10. Jan. um 6:20 
tyvm thats all i can ask from you my friend :)
[PBS] Daniel Andres 9. Jan. um 13:07 
Hello Kirklander, I will see if I can still update the skin and what photos I find, I will contact in case I don't find anything suitable.
Kirklander 8. Jan. um 10:52 
hiya Dan :) can you please change the East Fife skin for me :)? to either show old photos of the team ans some stadium pics please instead of the ones that are there ?
[PBS] Daniel Andres 22. Dez. 2024 um 15:02 
Barcelona skin published.
[PBS] Daniel Andres 17. Dez. 2024 um 23:47 
Hello KuunDcs, OL and Barca added to the list, will get them don ein the next few days.
KuunDcs 17. Dez. 2024 um 9:45 
Please skin OL AND BARCA ?
galicantel44 13. Dez. 2024 um 2:40 
Thank you for responding. That alone shows a lot of class. Chappeau. I am not a big, big FMer like perhaps so many here in these forums. But, I have to say, as I think about it, Daniel, you have opened a better nuance, a better wrinkle, better set of possibilities for enjoying the FM game - as the dull black, charcoal, cobalt blue, metallic grays of most skins make it seem like just a cheap(er) game. (In short: lifeless) You, however, do bring more to the life of what a club means to a region, its city, its fanbase, and the historical significance. For better or worse, folks take regional pride in their beloved clubs - and, yes, part of a club is its unique surroundings in terms of industry, architecture, historic structures, natural topography, waterways, iconic walks or locales prior and post-match. Cultural connects like the real-life winged mascots at Benfica and Eintracht Frankfurt. The out-of-the-box FM game captures none of this.
[PBS] Daniel Andres 11. Dez. 2024 um 11:33 
Depending on the team a lot of time is spent here as lower league teams from small towns/villages (I did quite a few from England) or historical teams, have no pictures at all on internet to simply take and use them. This means I need to resize and convert.

Last thing that takes time is to collect the RGB color code of the club and then work the colors on top of the backgrounds to stay close to original colors and still manage to actually be able to read it in game.

As for me making it a youtube guide, not sure for now, will think about it, a little too busy at work ths
[PBS] Daniel Andres 11. Dez. 2024 um 11:32 
Actually is simple once you do 1st skin editing, cause to be honest I am nowhere near code writing, nor is t here any easy way to do it yourself as FM doesn't really make public chunks of code for it.

First thing you need is to get from Steam the Football Manager 2024 Resource Archiver, that will allow you to open the fmf files and start looking into the files that define the skin. So you can actually try it on the skin I just made for you.

Once you have the Resource Archiver I can show you on discord what and where you need to edit to alter left menu colors, game font color, attribute colors, star colors.

As for the pictures for background those are really simple, you can use ten of your choice, the only big issue is you need them in PNG or JPEG format and needs to be exactly 1920x1080 resolution.
galicantel44 10. Dez. 2024 um 14:19 
Well, then! Happy Holidays to you too as we swiftly close out this (fast-paced!) year of 2024. Daniel, I have been enjoying easily over a dozen of your special club-themed skins. And - now you have added the Kings of the Rheinland, 1.F.C. Koln! Vielen Dank! You have a good eye for selecting the photos/images that best capture these clubs & towns. Thank you for including Hennes. I am now wishing to see if you have placed a more formal tutorial/how-to-do guide someplace here in the Workshop (or elsewhere?) to see if we can add just one more backdrop image -- of our own choosing. If it's not too much trouble to ask, how might one do this on one's own to compliment what you already have provided? And the other question/topic would be how to alter (ever so slightly) the colour hue of the main left side menu text. For now, thank you for visually doing a great service to those who are playing FM24. Merry Christmas.
[PBS] Daniel Andres 10. Dez. 2024 um 4:13 
@galicantel44 - so impressed with all comments that you already got your 1.FC Koln skin :)
galicantel44 7. Dez. 2024 um 19:40 
Thank you for what you have done with all of these for FM24, Daniel. If you might still be taking a request? Perhaps? Here would be what I would kindly ask: 1.FC Koln (1.FC Cologne) of the German 2. Bundesliga. Please feature the Rhein Bridge (the old one), the Cathedral, the magnificent stadium (yes!) and most importantly of all -- Hennes. Do you know him? ;) Yes, Hennes is the iconic club figure. PLEASE do disregard what I have just typed if you are now taking a well-earned break from skinning - you have already posted many fine options of great clubs. Thank you for all of them.
ss lazio 88💙 7. Okt. 2024 um 8:12 
merci beaucoup
[PBS] Daniel Andres 5. Okt. 2024 um 12:50 
Boca Juniors skin published.
[PBS] Daniel Andres 4. Okt. 2024 um 0:20 
@Jontosaurus! - Yeovil Town skin published.
ss lazio 88💙 30. Sep. 2024 um 6:00 
peut tu faire boca juiniors
Jontosaurus! 15. Sep. 2024 um 3:31 
Any chance you could make a Yeovil Town FC skin? Even Weymouth have one now!
Elli_47 22. Aug. 2024 um 6:07 
Ah thank you.
Good work keep going
[PBS] Daniel Andres 18. Aug. 2024 um 10:29 
I am almost sure there is one already Elli
Elli_47 18. Aug. 2024 um 7:26 
Hey Daniel i have a question.
can you do a FcSchalke04_DA?
[PBS] Daniel Andres 17. Aug. 2024 um 2:41 
Chelsea_DA skin published
ss lazio 88💙 7. Aug. 2024 um 11:03 
[PBS] Daniel Andres 7. Aug. 2024 um 1:40 
@ss lazio88 - Red_Star_DA a été publiée
[PBS] Daniel Andres 2. Aug. 2024 um 8:47 
@ss lazio88 - Red star ajouté à la file d'attente
ss lazio 88💙 2. Aug. 2024 um 6:07 
peut tu faire le red star 93
[PBS] Daniel Andres 30. Juli 2024 um 13:06 
@ss lazio88 - Millwall a été publiée
[PBS] Daniel Andres 29. Juli 2024 um 12:29 
Milwall ajouté à la file d'attente
ss lazio 88💙 29. Juli 2024 um 12:25 
[PBS] Daniel Andres 28. Juli 2024 um 3:12 
Several old skins were republished, as updates were no longer possible:
- England_DA_v2
- Romania_DA_v2
- Messi_DA_v2
- Germany_DA_v2
- Borussia_Dortmund_DA_v2
- Poland_DA_v2
- Atletico_de_Madrid_DA_v2
- Scotland_DA_v2
- Manchester_United_DA_v2
- Manchester_City_DA_v2
- Bayern_Munchen_DA_v2
- Swindon_Town_DA_v2
- Leeds_United_DA_v2
- Italy_DA_v2
- Aberdeen_DA_v2
- Cheltenham_Town_DA_v2
- Swansea_City_DA_v2
- Rangers_DA_v2
- Royal_Oak_v2
This should be the final version of the skins as full skins update takes about 2 days.
[PBS] Daniel Andres 27. Juli 2024 um 13:21 
Waiting list :
- Tranmere Rovers
- Raith Rovers
- Schalke
- Parma
- Crystal Palace
[PBS] Daniel Andres 27. Juli 2024 um 13:19 
@ss lazio88 - Lazio a été publiée
[PBS] Daniel Andres 27. Juli 2024 um 11:39 
Most of the skins updated, instant score should properly work for everybody. Older skins will be republished tomorrow.
[PBS] Daniel Andres 27. Juli 2024 um 4:04 
And waiting for Steam support answer, as it seems I am not able to update my oldest skins. Could re-post them, but it is a bit annoying and it means in the future I'll have to do the same every single time I update something.
[PBS] Daniel Andres 27. Juli 2024 um 1:21 
Update day for all skins, hoping to solve all issues related to instant result, touchline tablet overlap, etc.
New skins work will be resumed after the updates.
[PBS] Daniel Andres 26. Juli 2024 um 10:39 
FC Groningen skin published.
[PBS] Daniel Andres 25. Juli 2024 um 13:32 
oui, Lazio ajoutée à la liste d'attente
ss lazio 88💙 25. Juli 2024 um 12:49 
peut tu faire la ss lazio
[PBS] Daniel Andres 25. Juli 2024 um 1:11 
Real team waiting list:
- Colchester United
- FC Groningen
- FC Girondins de Bordeaux
laurent.chailloud 25. Juli 2024 um 0:22 
peux-tu réaliser s'il te plaît FC girondins Bordeaux