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Publicada: 7 mai. 2022 às 20:47

i like the game but i have special part of the i do not like and i hate it. we are in a post apo. world so its hard to survive being so easy to save every body is so weird we are main character but okay but we are kinda too op being able to save everybody in game i would prefer to be harder to save our friends. its so easy save your friends decisions is so open (i mean by open when its says go save A when you go to save it u are able to do it. There is not a thing in the game if u wan't to ----PROBABLY I AM GONNA spoil some stuff so !!!!!!!!!!SPOILER ALERT !!!!!----save A you need to save B aswell so u cannot save A with out saving B )i would prefer decisons to be harder . more like you have A, B ,C guy if u wan't to save A guy u need to save B guy but if u save B guy C guy dies or u can go save C guy u need to save A guy but B guy dies. or last option u can save A,B,C all of them u have good reliatons ship with all of them . or u can let all die and chose your own way (basiclly i wan't try to say the decisons is so easy if it says go save this guy u almost i say almost all of the time u save that guy some how) but this is my opinon i would like the game this way . but i really like the game its cool smooth some parts not enjoyable but not boring aswell but like i say i really would liked harder decisons we are kinda strong bad ass character with no experience . like we are like haha i am pilgirm i never get bitten once in 4 years . oh no (spoiler alert) i got bitten i need to save my own ass than i need to save this thing. oh i am so strong bc i have 9 lives + 1millon luck so i get out some how and survive and then theres a stupid thing i do not find right we are a pilgirm or job is survive and run how we are can be soo good at everything like night runners NIGHT RUNNERS they are not even strong like us most of them died or not night runners any more but us we are like too op have everything strange moblity iq charisma :) everything why we are not bad at something . We are just a pilgirm who runs away fast af who do the jobs no body every can imagen but not with fighting like legend more like running like a legend some how we are good at fighting aswell with no help to learn how to swing how to slash . its my opinon my view its the way i like its the way i do not like .but if u ask me would u buy the game you know the game decisons are like this i would yes i would buy it beocuse its stil good game fun game to play. i have wierd taste i do not like being strong being almost perfect at everything thats kinda stupid in my opinon atlest . last thing i want to say have a nice day if u read all of this thats pretty epic and my english is ain't that good i hope u under stand it.
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