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6 de 17 (35 %) logros conseguidos:
Logros personales

First steps

You have completed the introduction
Se desbloqueó el 26 FEB a las 9:13

Damsels in distress

You saved both the mutant and the raider during the intro
Se desbloqueó el 26 FEB a las 9:21

Ignorance is bliss

Fairy has joined your home and you didn't help her recover
Se desbloqueó el 28 FEB a las 4:00

People pleaser

You have taken control of the overpass and improved their living conditions
Se desbloqueó el 3 MAR a las 4:05

No ragrets

You have accepted the Hive Queen's offer
Se desbloqueó el 3 MAR a las 3:44

For science!

You have accepted Pepper's offer
Se desbloqueó el 28 FEB a las 3:08

Not my problem

You saved neither the mutant nor the raider during the intro

Rite of passage

Completed the Zone while playing as Shani

Remember me, but let me go

You have taken too much advantage of Julia's hospitality while playing as Shani

Thanks, I hate it

You have escaped from the haunted apartment while playing as Shani

To hell and back

Fairy has joined your home and you helped her recover

Let them eat cake

You have taken control of the overpass and exploited the residents

Past and present

Listened to Ivy's story of her tower

The Emperor's new clothes

You have exposed the Queen (literally)

It's getting crowded

Emilia, Fairy and Kateryna have joined your household

A different kind of training

You became more intimate with Shani

Sins of our fathers

You have discussed Shani's findings with Abrax