"Не так важно куда - главное с кем!"
Nikydik 18 de nov. às 11:28 
- rep does nothing the entire match and then won't even rescue.
Puff Daddy 2 de nov. às 10:51 
-rep, бездарность
Mozes 12 de ago. às 10:44 
+rep сильная Сэйбл:VBOY:
black marcus 1 de ago. às 11:12 
⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄
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⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊  ❤ ⡠⢄  ⡘
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κλɖίર ♥ 29 de jul. às 7:49 
:LuciaKaye:survivor:evelyn2077: and teammate in DBD!
:SBlackCat:clutch Ministr😻
:german:Clutch King 👑
:cleankey:47 god👻
:whiteward:SECOND S1MPLE😎
:br_smile:relax teammate🤤
:mordecaicrow:Killing Machine 😈
:steamthumbsup:GOD 💢
:summer2021simulation:ONE TAP MACHINE 💢
:Speech_Love:nice profile 💜
:Page:very nice and non-toxic player😈
:Eye_tv:nice flicks👽
:german:king 💥
:rogan: best👹Insane Skills 👌
:Speech_Love:Good player 💜
:rep2:Amazing Tactics 👌
:steamthis:Top Player 🔝
·˚SandStone♡ 24 de jul. às 14:03 
thanks for save :3 meow~