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0.0 изиграни часа
it's ok. Some of the smaller buildings are useful, but I'd wait until a sale.

Публикувана 27 юли 2021.
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75.8 изиграни часа (20.8 часа по време на рецензията)
Excellent bridge building game. It can get pretty challenging in the later levels. I'm currently in the 80's funland levels and some levels are taking a couple of hours of trial and error to find a solution. The hydraulic pieces in particular add a lot of strategy and difficulty to certain levels where you need to build drawbridges to allow boats to pass. There are also many more levels available to download from Steam workshop.

The only con really is that sometimes it feels like you have to just add a few random pieces to some bridges without really thinking to get them to work, such as doubling up road pieces with wood pieces. Also the physics can be inconsistent sometimes depending on what speed the simulation is running at.

Публикувана 10 юли 2021. Последно редактирана 14 юли 2021.
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21.6 изиграни часа (18.3 часа по време на рецензията)
Actually oxygen is included. Virtual oxygen that is. The devs don't mail a canister of oxygen to you when you purchase the game, so maybe that is what they meant.

For some reason, I enjoyed the few hours I played this game but I just can't really get into it. I still recommend giving it a try though. This is one of those games where I'd give it a neutral review if I could.

Публикувана 14 април 2021. Последно редактирана 5 август 2021.
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2.0 изиграни часа (1.3 часа по време на рецензията)
This game has not aged well. If you think that it is good because it was made by Chris Sawyer you will be disappointed; he clearly learned from this game when he made the Rollercoaster Tycoon games, which have aged much better.

To call the UI "clunky" would be an understatement.

Gameplay is extremely confusing and there is no tutorial.

It lacks any campaign or reason to keep playing.

Really all it has going for it nowadays is the charming 2D graphics

It might of been a good game in the 90's but not now.

All that said, it is also free so I recommend giving it a try. You can't go wrong at that price.
Публикувана 4 април 2021. Последно редактирана 5 август 2021.
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0.0 изиграни часа
Adds some interesting elements to the game, and a new campaign is always welcome. I recommend playing through the main campaign before this one.


Публикувана 28 март 2021.
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2,320.0 изиграни часа (1,717.1 часа по време на рецензията)
Probably finally done playing this. At least until I get a better PC. It is an excellent city builder that is in my opinion only surpassed by Sim City 4.

This game's strongest feature overall is clearly the transport management. Something about building all the individual ramps of a highway, setting up bus routes, etc. is oddly pleasurable and extremely addicting, and as your city grows you will often have to redesign intersections to fix traffic bottlenecks.

The map sizes are excellent. I highly recommend one of the "25 tiles" mods which unlock all 25 tiles of the map for building rather than the default 9.

There are plenty of landscaping options to create hills, flowing rivers, forests etc. in the map editor.

Another plus is that there are tons of mods available on Steam Workshop.

Zoning works in a similar way as Sim City 4, except that there are only two levels of zones (high and low density) rather than three, only high density buildings can be built in high density zones, and zoning is free. these are all unwelcome changes in my opinion. Once you unlock high density zones you have no reason to use lower densities, which together with only high density buildings being able to be built on high density zones contributes to a lack of variety and unrealistic cities filled with nothing but skyscrapers.

Other drawbacks are:
  • infuriatingly stupid traffic AI
  • overly simple zoomed-in graphics and lack of detail (for example, all high density buildings are just in the middle of a monotone, mostly-textureless concrete slab without any landscaping, detailed parking lots, etc. I guess whenever a game like this uses fully 3D graphics sacrifices need to be made)
  • scale is way out of whack (factories and farms take up the same amount of space as a single family home)
Despite its faults this is still an amazing and highly addictive game, and there are lots of mods designed to fix these problems.


I recommend the mass-transit DLC, and the Natural disasters one is pretty good too.
Публикувана 26 март 2021. Последно редактирана 5 август 2021.
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58.3 изиграни часа (6.6 часа по време на рецензията)
Weird mobile game bubbly sounds play whenever placing troops or pressing menu buttons, but other than that it is pretty good. Every normal game you play costs tokens (single player or multiplayer, multiplayer costs twice as many), but you accumulate tokens every day and when you win games, so unless you go premium (which gets you unlimited tokens), you are essentially limited to a few games a day once you've used up the tokens you receive up front. There are a few scenarios to play which don't cost tokens, but they aren't as fun. Also note that tokens stop accumulating once you reach a certain amount. The game is free though, so you are essentially getting a couple free playthroughs a day. The AI is pretty good.

Edit: The AI isn't pretty good.

Публикувана 11 февруари 2021. Последно редактирана 3 март 2021.
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25.1 изиграни часа (7.0 часа по време на рецензията)

Also very addicting and difficult, but in a good way. It is also very cheap, (I got it on sale for CDN$ 1.62).

Публикувана 31 декември 2020.
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1.8 изиграни часа
I bought this thinking it would be like Rollercoaster Tycoon Classic for zoo management games but I was wrong. The graphics were probably sub-par when it was released, the UI is a mess, there are technical problems, and it is overall just not that fun. Zoo Tycoon 1 was much better than this.

Публикувана 30 декември 2020.
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207.8 изиграни часа (4.9 часа по време на рецензията)
Just as I remember it. The graphics certainly haven't aged well, but there's a lot of content. It is actually amazing considering it was released more than 15 years ago. It was certainly ahead of its time.

Be sure to go into the settings and increase all of the LOD settings to the max. For some reason they are reduced by default, even though it will run on almost anything.

Публикувана 28 декември 2020. Последно редактирана 5 август 2021.
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