Urek Jahad
If you know this country, this is Israel and this is also the Germany. I have a sleeping magnificent here. In this a hundred feet ground in the fault find. This country. You know every station, I know a copy.

In our Popeye's station I have 27 canyons, 7 granites and 27 fully web disc nets of PULL tanks of negative 77 parts of night shadow the fixer. When I opened the Malacañang ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ in St. Jude Hospital, I have a 7 grounds of magnificent 7 treasures of national golds of Colombia and that is a fine gold than Buddha. I know this city in this whole world. I have many missiles in this country. I have 37 missiles under the grounds of Camiendo and it was instant to look find because the 400 feet was insent by my knuckled hotdog of my shadow.

The pain of that hose of that tingle of the last fogging of the full sea that is the magnafanta computer and I have peace in my mind because Noynoy Aquino was that fix that demon and define the three character of my two hearts and shadow and put in the pyre and I will cover and I use drugs so I top shabu.

So when I use drugs, I pour remember by mory. Aye bongbong, is you a froyen? If you remember monster, ti senore se senora, ha.
Seb 19. Juli 2017 um 21:58 
richard to