MRQ -A- csgoboss
Kosice, Slovakia
Stop over thinking. Relax and let it go.

Pamatuj, že až ve chvíli kdy získáš to co si chtěl,
tak ti přestane záležet jen na sobě samotným.

Res: 1024x768 (ST)
Sens: windows 6/11 in game 1.8
DPI: 400
Crosshair: size2.5,color1,thickness0,drawoutline0,gap-2

Pvpro:1st Kinguin"SpyGOD,PQDI,SHRK,Pto,heaTT
GamingCup:Diskvalifikace #cheatskappa
Pvpro:TomT Tournament..1st
Pvpro:Daily Free Cup 2v2 1st
Pvpro:Daily Free Cup 2v2 1st

Rank --> GE

Team --> ZTSLN (SpyGOD, ToRkY, Zellz, NeveR, Lore)

Age --> 13

Country --> Slovakia

TOP Hlašky:
kexo na tatka: ked mi vypnes poistky potom vypnem ja teba :D
mtJ: a to mirage je ta pozička na duste ??:D
me: dal som mu one tap 21in1hit :)

1 ban VAC registrato | Informazioni
2449 giorno/i dall'ultimo ban
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Finally GG First Time 1.2.2018-11:45
Gruppo preferito
CSGOWILD.EU - Gruppo pubblico
In gioco
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Heart-stopping 💁‍♀ 9 gen 2020, ore 15:19 
🚘 + [Secret Drug Facts] + 📒
📗 📕 📀 👽 🎽 🐠 🐊 🐳 🌂 👳 🎫 🌽 💄 🎍 💃 🐛
Sleep -- the most beautiful experience in life -- except drink.
-- W.C. Fields
Woody: What's happening, Mr. Peterson?
Norm: The question is, Woody, why is it happening to me?
-- Cheers, Strange Bedfellows, Part 1

Woody: What's going down, Mr. Peterson?
Norm: My cheeks on this barstool.
-- Cheers, Strange Bedfellows, Part 2

Woody: Hey, Mr. Peterson, can I pour you a beer?
Norm: Well, okay, Woody, but be sure to stop me at one. ...
Eh, make that one-thirty.
-- Cheers, Strange Bedfellows, Part 2

💛 🍧 🏀 👔 👃 🔋 ⛳ 📘 📕 🥞 🐠 🎁 🥗 🍇 ⚡ 🏓
Don't go first or solo with bomb 28 feb 2018, ore 1:03 
000 27 feb 2018, ore 19:18 

     Banned by 🌟 ZONERBOT.XYZ 🌟
      We're banning faster than Aimware!

        Ban date: 2018-02-28 04:17:59

Zellz 26 feb 2018, ore 8:57 
┃┃    ┏━╭╰╯╮
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╰┫ ╭╮ ┃ | VAC-BAN |
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D U N K O 25 feb 2018, ore 13:27 
Trade Your CS:GO Cases For Keys! 4 Cases = 1 Key! {COLLEGAMENTO RIMOSSO}
DoMis FPS 24 feb 2018, ore 17:40 
Good playeer