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2 people found this review helpful
0.4 hrs on record (0.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I survived 5 times and my friend shoot himself immediately. Very chill game )
Posted 2 January.
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43.3 hrs on record (27.8 hrs at review time)
Detroit: Become Human? More like Detroit: Deleted Content.

Can't forgive you for deleting Simon's route, he has much more personality than North.

There are lots of interesting concepts (which we can see in extra materials) would work much better in the game, but, unfortunately, were changed in the final version of the game.
For example, an early version of "Alice", a little black girl on the photos looks more cute and unique than the plain white girl in the final version of the game. Same problem with Amanda - a white actress who supposed to play Amanda looks more fascinating than the final black Amanda.

Some routes and content were deleted for no particular reason. Still don't understand why developers deleted the scene in the amusement park where several humans attack Jerries and Kara.

I hope that one day we will get an update with new/deleted content.

P.S Anyway, thank you for creating Connor. Me and my homies think about him 24/7.
Posted 3 December, 2023.
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18.1 hrs on record
Brilliant OST and such a wonderful story! Very unique game level design. I hope that the sequel will be as great as is the first game.
Posted 22 November, 2023. Last edited 23 November, 2023.
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7 people found this review helpful
18.3 hrs on record (18.3 hrs at review time)
Fun game, everyone is making a fool of Travis :D

Two things that annoy everyone:
1) Game crashing from time to time.
2) You can't get all achievements because they are broken.
Posted 12 November, 2023.
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40.6 hrs on record
Gameplay: 9/10
Difficulty: Middle
If you know what turn-based game is - it won't be so hard to you understand how to play and what build/strategy to make. The more you play the more unique armour and skills Knife will get.
Though, some enemies are quite tough in the beginning of the game.

Ost: 9/10
Catman theme hits hard

Voice acting: 10/10
Additional +50 point to FULLY VOICED the whole game. The voices brings so much joy to play.

Art: 10/10
Very unique
I'll miss these bastards :<

Story: 10/10
It started as a fun story about several douchebags getting a Mecha, trolling each other and making different anime/videogame references and I didn't expect that the story will have so dark background.

Grinding aka Minigames: 5.5/10
Minigames are quite fun but getting pineapples and unique mecha parts can be very annoying, It'll took you minimum 5-6 real hours of playing minigames to get 7/7 levels of each friend.

Replayable: Not sure
Overall: 8/10

Hope one day we'll see Wolfstride animation series (with all original voice actors).
Posted 20 August, 2023. Last edited 20 August, 2023.
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3 people found this review helpful
25.6 hrs on record
Sunday Gold is that kind of games which no one has heard about. Why you should give it a try:
- Sci-Fi story where bugler, combat medic and the IT-guy meet each other and plan to do a little, almost inconspicuous crime on Saturday night, nothing can go wrong, right?
- The game has very unique and fascinating art-style.
- First location (near bar) looks great.
- Whole game main trio been goofing around.
- Approximately 90% game’s been voiced, awesome! It gives more charm to the atmosphere, can’t even imagine playing it without hearing Frank’s sarcasm, Gavin’s complains and Sally’s thoughts about their (not great) situation.
- Female character is not sexualised, can you even imagine? She is the brawl and the brains in the team (is Frank a leader? lol)

But, alas, nothing is ideal and there are some moments which I hope team will fix in near future:
- Some annoying bugs:
Almost all saves got file date 00:00 01/01/0001.
Sometimes you can get sound lag while investigating and in cutscenes.

- It takes some time to game to launch.
- IDK what happened in team but [SPOILERS] why chapter 3 has too many locations and ‘find helluva items just like in several typical point-and-click games, we don’t care that much”. [/spoilers]
- Some descriptions are very hard to read, they have got too small fonts.

And some complains:
- It’s been a year so where is the OST?
I mean, yeah, maybe Burly Wood (which songs we can hear in the bar) is an underground rock band but, certainly, give guys more attention.
- The ending is just ????
Like, is team going to make DLC or sequel? Put a bold full stop here will be a very bad decision.
We need more information about the universe, about racing, about Frank, Gavin and Sally.
Posted 19 April, 2023.
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8.1 hrs on record
Good game. It's just me or the beggining is a reference to Warcraft III?
Was very excited to play the game and I didn't expect THAT kind of ending.
Posted 28 January, 2023.
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14.3 hrs on record
The original game has one of the most recognisable narrator and I love that in Ultra Deluxe I can again listen this gorgeous voice. Also, bucket is best!
Posted 23 November, 2022.
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1 person found this review helpful
9.7 hrs on record (9.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Совершенно случайно Кайград вышел в рекомендациях. Очень странно что будучи даже в разработке - при таком большом количестве диалогов и вариативности - игра бесплатна, не цените вы свой вложенный труд, уважаемые разработчики.
Изначально стоило сделать игру платной и заказать песню у реально хорошего певца, но это большое ИМХО.

Местами поправить бы отображение текста - некоторые диалоги уходят за предел экрана, а отображение некоторых картинок выдает SCP- объект :)

Итог: Очень бы хотелось узнать больше про мир Кайграда, я надеюсь что игра все таки однажды будет закончена. Как говорится "автор, пиши ещё" (с)

P.S Ачивка "Прошел игру без смертей за первый присест", имхо, бесполезна. Учитывая сколько раз в игре можно умереть - то она просто ведет к гуглингу гайда и не погружением в атмосферу игры.
P.P.S Я очень надеюсь что в обновлении разрабы поставят другую песню в конце игры.
Posted 9 June, 2022.
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23 people found this review helpful
4.2 hrs on record
After reading the review that this game is about LGBTQ+ characters and after watching the trailer where you can see some mystical creatures you definitely be curious and after a while buy this game.

So, you get a story about two students who live together in a big house. Ao and Bo are not in the relationship but they respect each other and as a player you learn about their problems (adulthood, society acceptance of their gender, etc.) and after a while they are going to move out...

The main problem is how could you write a story about student's life SO BORING? It's says that it's a semi-autobiographical story but the story is... just plain.
The graphics is not the strong point in indie game though the visual idea where the environment is represented with a two-point perspective that can be rotated 360 degrees looks fascinating.

Autosave here is quite annoying. You need to replay the whole game just to know what leads after choosing the second/third reply and you can't skip the dialogues.

The game wouldn't be unmemorable if developers had written more lore about Ao, Bo, their friends and neighbours.
Posted 4 May, 2022.
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