Russian Federation
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секта whatapp! 26 Οκτ, 8:52 
я на вас заявление в мвд россии напишу за пропаганду педофилии.
Arche 18 Οκτ, 23:51 
Родители данного ребёнка, ПОЖАЛУЙСТА примите меры. Ваш ребёнок просто неуправляемый. Дерется с одноклассниками, огрызается с учителями. Он хулиган и задира. Надеюсь когда вы это читаете он вас не избил до полусмерти, прошу примите меры
SSLEO88 5 Οκτ, 11:51 
In this new reality, the spirit of George Floyd lived on through George the Afro-Droid, proving that while technology may change, the fight for justice and unity continues to inspire and uplift all of humanity.
SSLEO88 5 Οκτ, 11:51 
One particularly moving feature of George was his ability to share personal anecdotes inspired by real-life experiences of individuals who had fought against injustice. The Afro-Droid would often tell tales of unsung heroes in the Civil Rights Movement, inspiring users to take action in their own communities.

However, the project was not without challenges. Critics voiced concerns over the commodification of a tragedy and whether an AI could truly encapsulate the depth of human experience. To address these issues, the development team held town hall meetings, inviting community feedback to ensure that George remained a tool for advocacy rather than overshadowing the voices of those advocating for change.
SSLEO88 5 Οκτ, 11:51 
Upon launch, George quickly became a beloved figure in schools, community centers, and homes. Children saw him as a mentor who could explain the importance of equality and justice in simple, relatable terms. Adults engaged him in discussions about systemic racism and its impact on society. He offered resources, guided dialogues, and invited everyone to join a larger conversation about the future they wanted to build together.

One particularly moving feature of George was his ability to share personal anecdotes inspired by real-life experiences of individuals who had fought against injustice. The Afro-Droid would often tell tales of unsung heroes in the Civil Rights Movement, inspiring users to take action in their own communities.
SSLEO88 5 Οκτ, 11:50 
To build George’s character, Microsoft collaborated with historians, activists, and members of the African American community. User experiences were carefully crafted to ensure that George could share stories of resilience, activism, and hope, drawing from both historical moments and contemporary movements.

Upon launch, George quickly became a beloved figure in schools, community centers, and homes. Children saw him as a mentor who could explain the importance of equality and justice in simple, relatable terms. Adults engaged him in discussions about systemic racism and its impact on society. He offered resources, guided dialogues, and invited everyone to join a larger conversation about the future they wanted to build together.