This is my only account. I won't accept your friend request if I don't see something I'm interested in.
Counter-Strike 2
1 5
Mysterion F#cking Kills Himself 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา 
U actually made my dream ak craft for spearmints lol, I'd recommend putting a snowfall glitter sticker on the handle of the ak where the blue flower design is, to make it look like the snowfall glitter is blooming on the handle like a flower
zeroh 29 ต.ค. @ 7: 31am 
interested in m9 bright water
Beann 24 ต.ค. @ 2: 16pm 
let's have some fun matches
bleach 💜 23 ต.ค. @ 3: 35pm 
egoist神 19 ต.ค. @ 5: 30pm 
+ rep met him at the diddy party
Space Fish 19 ก.ย. @ 2: 35pm 
+ rep nice lad