Mr. M
Ei tietoja.
Kirjautunut ulos
Taideteosten esittely
D E A D S O U L 25.8. klo 3.17 
randwa toh hai
Noctis 1.9.2023 klo 7.49 
-rep bot camper + sus
CHARL1E 22.3.2023 klo 17.51 
Met him on the legendary day source 2 beta was released. Fun mate to play with(CS).
76561199155171435 23.11.2022 klo 0.43 
signed by me, lets play csgo
Humnbrd 13.7.2021 klo 19.22 
I'm from the National Urology Society and we received your questions sent to our e-mail, and we're pleased to answer:

1) Yes, 3 inches is considered small. We recomend you surgery process;

2) No, it's not usual for the condom to be loose. There's no XS size;

3) Even if 3 inches is quite small, it is still possible that your partner has an ♥♥♥♥♥♥ during sexual relationships, so if it doesn't happen with you like you've mentioned, the lack of competence is your responsibility;

4) No, you cant have a prostate exam, it's only for 50-year-olds or older. Please, do not insist;

5) The attraction for people of the same sex can be a strong sign of homosexual tendencies;

Any other questions, we're here to help.
Please contact

Have a nice evening you have nothing to be ashamed of.
Kashicage 8.6.2021 klo 5.16 
hi mate, can you add me? just for a quick chat