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Recent reviews by BlackMerc

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494.5 hrs on record (121.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Really fun online or offline, honestly has more detail in injury location and goes more in-depth with inventory and items than ANYTHING i have seen from huge studio games. runs on not so tanky pc's and if u want to u can play offline, i use it when my internet is on the fritz as wel as enjoy some online play. DEFINITELY worth the time to pick-up the devs do regular patches and bug fixes and everything is as seamless a multi million dollar titles(not gonna name names but but some developers could take notes this is how its done) 10/10 ive player rust for 8k hrs and day-z for about 14k hrs, this game might not be first person but its got me hooked lol. cant wait to play it when i get home at the end of a day
Posted 17 June, 2022.
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427.3 hrs on record (425.1 hrs at review time)
A diffrent twist on BR style games Ring Of Elysium is a-little more Free-Player-Friendly allowing you to go hard and get almost anything u can buy with real money. Verry fun play for 1 season of for life, new content added verry frequently you wil always find somthing new in ROE (Ring Of Elysium)
Posted 13 February, 2022.
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170.1 hrs on record (7.1 hrs at review time)
I really thought after seeing all the ads for this game that it would not live up to the hype. but the vehicle-hit-box + projectile system are exactly as promised. i mainly play FPS titles and survival based games but i really appriciate how unique this game is and i have to admit. i thought it would fall short of what was promised and IT DELIVERED 100%. im legitamitly impressed cant wait to see what is to come in 2022 :)
Posted 11 January, 2022.
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266.3 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Amazing possibility for this game in the future... that said dont bother getting this game unless you want to be constantly updating your rig, literally seems like you need a quantum computer in order to run anything less than 3x3 pixels of detail. When you can find an abandoned area of the map its almost playable but be prepared to die in the dumbest possible ways to guys who are 300ft away from u de-syncing and knockin u out. just a hot mess as of 2021 i REALLY hope the devs fix this game because it has amazing potential.
Posted 5 April, 2021.
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14,473.8 hrs on record (4,211.4 hrs at review time)
Day-Z has a steep learning curve, i recommend starting off by downloading the DZSA launcher (a modded launcher) and use that to automatically handle installing and updating mods. Modded servers are wehre the fun is. 4.2k hrs in the game so far and about 4k of that is on modded servers. best of luck
Posted 25 August, 2020.
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2 people found this review helpful
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8,364.3 hrs on record (270.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Excellent game if you arent afraid to loose everything you worked for, but its a double sided coin anything you can take you can have even if you didnt earn it. awsome game 10/10 wiould salt again
Posted 17 July, 2017.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 entries