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Ulasan terkini oleh Ser Cyrus

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Tercatat 1,122.8 jam (Telah dimainkan 931.1 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
I must first thank todays video sponsor which is skinsmonkey!
Diposting pada 10 Desember 2024.
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Tercatat 166.5 jam (Telah dimainkan 10.0 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Look, the performance issues are there and yes they are annoying. As you may have heard this mostly occurs in busy towns, where it could drop to as low as 20 fps for me. But honestly, outside of the towns (which is like 96% of the game), it runs fine enough to have a really good time with this game. Also regarding the MTX complainers, nothing in game can be only be obtained through your cash. The character editor is an item which can be purchased in-game.

There are still many hiccups, and i would honestly recoomand waiting a bit until some stuff is fixed, but I dont think it warrants a rating of mostly negative: the game is fun guys, seriously!
Diposting pada 22 Maret 2024.
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Tercatat 2.9 jam (Telah dimainkan 0.3 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Honestly, a really cool take on on a problem that despite much attention still is nowhere near solved. Using carbon emissions as a sort of 'resource' that must be managed as to not either fail or lose other resources in probably the best way to use said emissions in video game context. Optimizing different routes is hella fun, and the explanation about each card and its real life equavalent also makes it genuinly educating. +, its free.
Diposting pada 25 Agustus 2023.
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Tercatat 378.8 jam (Telah dimainkan 375.3 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Simply put, Dragon's Dogma has the most engaging action RPG combat system I have experienced. The customizability of your skills and party, the 9 different vocations which play completely differenltly with a lot of unique skills, the pawn system, it all creates a very ejoyable combat system with 100's or hours of replay value becasue of the different classes. While it has plenty of issues like the way stats are handled, the healing system and a general feeling of being unfinished (which it is due to budget contraints), these take away little from the truly amazing combat of Dragon's Dogma. Other small things like the very open character customisation, broken apart open-world and a great sense of adventure all add together to make this my definitive favourite game of all time (at least until the sequel, we'll see how that turns out).

hoi marijn
Diposting pada 19 Juni 2022.
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Tercatat 172.7 jam (Telah dimainkan 6.9 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Its 15 euros and feels better than smash ultimate. Dont even hesitate :}
Diposting pada 15 Mei 2020.
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Tercatat 3.6 jam
Despite all the reviews here saying this game is terrible, let me tell ou that no, it isn't.
The plot is fairly simple, but there are no stupid holes or things that make no sense, so it keeps you going.
Now ofcourse, this is an RPG maker game, and it really shows with it's menu's and such, and to be honest, I'm not sure if it's worth the 1 Dollar. There are a lot more RPG maker games online... for free.
I still really enjoyed it and it has the item and menu system that you expect from an RPG maker game.
However, it does have one thing that I don't see to often in RPG maker games:

The battles play out in a Final Fantasy sorta way. You see your team on the right, and the enemy's on the left. The health bars and menus in combat are quite nice and it isn't all that confusing.
Sometimes enemy's will attack before you even get a opotunity to attack, and overall this game kinda felt like the SNES Final Fantasy's in a way. And the game has some nice customisebility(sorry for terrible english there).
The character's aren't anything special, and they curse a bit to often that it looks like overkill, and kinda ruins the flow.
They do all have different atributes though, like one is very powerfull in ATK but pretty slow, one is fast with medium attack and a bit more luck then others. The other is the typical healer that can deal quite some water damage.
And one is the Emo (I'm not joking) with some status moves and in a way is kinda like the Black Mage form FF.
Oh, and they're all ninja's. No idea why. They don't look like ninja's, use magic and I found myself ignoreing it.

In the end, this game is pretty basic, but if you think you like the other games in the bundle (wich I would say is the way to buy this game), then buy it. I really enjoyed my time with this game. Altough I still need to play the other 3 RPG's in the bundle.

Hope this review helped you!
Diposting pada 17 Agustus 2017.
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Tercatat 119.2 jam (Telah dimainkan 82.2 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
I've been playing Skyrim these past 2 weeks and I must say:
It's an amazing game.
I will say one thing: if you have never played an elder scrolls game before, I'd recommend to NOT begin with Skyrim.
I'd begin with Oblivion (I highly recommend GOTY DLC on that game is mind-blowing), because Oblivion's menu's, inventory and oher factors are way simpler then Skyrim's. Also, Oblivion (in my opinion) is a way easier game. I feel like that if you start out with Skyrim and then play the other ones, it would be to easy. And I know Morrowind exists, but I'd recommend saving it for last (not including Daggerfall and Arena). But back to the subject.
Oblivion just feels more simple, more alive, more color, more alot. And I'm not gonna sit here and write a review about Oblivion, so let's move one (just trying to make clear that you should first play Oblivion, and then Skyrim. My opinion ofcourse).

So if I had to discribe my experience with Skyrim in one sentence, it would be :

This game is pretty bland and alot of the quests feel like repeats at times, but damn, this games level up, reward system and most of the optionel quest lines are frickin' splendid!

So in my opinion, Skyrim's open world at times fells a bit bland. All caves and those old Nord Dungeon things all feel the same. And the overworld, doesn't have that many interesting places. The city's are also very forgetable at times.
But I will say this : this game has the best level up system in any of the games. While I do miss Oblivion's way of leveling up, Skyrim does it better. Plus, everything you can use to attack/deal damage, is acctually good (even the arrows/bows....they were POINTLESS(okay sorry) ). But yeah, every weapon, destruction spell, and bow is good. You can take on any role you want, without feeling underpowered. And I will also say to defend Skyrim, not all the cities are bland or simple. I really like Riften and Solitude for example. And now, the best part.

The side quest lines ( all the guild and stuff) are straight up fun. The Imperial one can geta bit boring, because you have to do THE EXACT SAME THING OVER AND OVer and over.... Basically like 4 times. But the rest are really fun.

If you want to know about the dragon's, then here ya go.

The dragon fights are nothing amazing. There basically this:

Flying mages with alot of HP and the spew out either fire or ice.
This doens't make em boring, but it's nothing special.

This about wraps up my review. The story (like most elder scrolls games) is nothing amazing. And I didn't talk about it because spoilers.
So in the end and despite all my cons, do I recommend this game? My awnser:

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT (after oblivion :3)

The game keep giving me this urge to jump right back in the second I wake up, just so I can level up my character and progress. It's a fonominal experience, and it's just amazing to discover some of the interesting places.
However, don't go into this thinking you can spam FUS RO DAH, no idea where you get the 3 parts you need :3.

Diposting pada 31 Maret 2017.
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Tercatat 58.3 jam (Telah dimainkan 39.4 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
its good!
Diposting pada 31 Desember 2016.
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Tercatat 16.8 jam (Telah dimainkan 14.1 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
This game is not the most amzing game ever or something, but it sure is great! And only 10 bucks? Oh hell yea! at this cost a almost stole it from the creator!
I only have 6.5 hours into it now, but that is sure gonna be a 100 soon! But please note, this game is (in the start mostly) really difficult.
Simple enemies like bandits are easy when they are alone. But they never are alone! The best way of farming for early XP is by hunting deers or scavengers. If you have enough arrows (i would suggest flame :3) you could also go for orcs, wich drop alot of weapons, wich can be sold for gold.
It also has a really interesting leveling system, wich i have never seen before. I don't wanna spoil to much, but this is a :

MUST BUY!!!!!!!!!!
Diposting pada 4 Agustus 2016. Terakhir diedit pada 6 Agustus 2016.
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