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Bobalatte 13 фев. 2023 г. в 19:37 
I started playing with this guy a couple of years ago we met through a Team Fortress 2 lobby, he seemed cool so I friended him (biggest mistake of my life) we played some MVM (man vs machine which is a game mode in Team Fortress 2) and he was really funny. So as time went on and we became closer friends and he had enough courage to show me his d!*k pump... At first it was a little weird because it was kind of small and shriveled, (and to be honest I am not at all into that stuff) but because I am a nice person I shrugged it off, I thought maybe he was just a little socially awkward but as time got on it got worse. He started to call me daddy and send me picks of him shirtless that made me want to vomit (at the time of the picture it looked like he was around 280 pounds of fat and almost no muscle at all) and even though I kept telling him that I was not gay he kept persisting.
Bobalatte 13 фев. 2023 г. в 19:37 
Finally I got fed up. I got into a big argument about this with him and many harmful things were said, I was astonished that someone I knew for this long could start acting like this. So I decided to block him on discord and steam, but this just made things much worse. A couple of days after the fight he made an alt account to message me on discord, at first I did not know who it was but by the way he talked I knew it was him. It filled me with rage and I demanded him to stop messaging me, this is what he said, "Do you know what I have your F*cking IP and I am going to come to Idaho and beat the $h!t out of you!". I was so consumed by rage that I said come I bet you f*cking wont you looser and then I blocked his alt account.
Bobalatte 13 фев. 2023 г. в 19:37 
Days later after hearing nothing from him I heard a knock on my door while I was playing CSGO, I thought to myself who could it be at this hour (the time was around 10 PM) so I brought myself to the door and guess who it was. It was SillyString Nutsack himself (it looked like he was drenched in sweat) I looked at him and he just swung at my face, but because he was so fat it was so easy to doge his punch and I clocked him in the head sending him to my concrete steps. Blood gushed everywhere. I stood over him triumphant but sad at the same time seeing how depressing he looked, he probably never went outside because of his pale skin and his great weight, also he had terrible hygiene he stunk so much I had to plug my nose and his face was dotted with pimples. Just when I thought it could not get more weird he started licking my leg and calling me his baka, this disgusted me so much that I curb stomped him breaking all of his teeth leaving him unconscious and bloody
Bobalatte 13 фев. 2023 г. в 19:37 
I spit on him and shut the door to go back to playing, the next morning he was gone but what laid at my doorsteps in the morning was a giant dump with a bunch of blood around it. To this day I had never talked to him since. Moral of the story though, don't friend this guy he is a looser creep.
Bobalatte 24 ноя. 2020 г. в 18:07 
I tried scamming him but he did that scammer gets scammed thing and I lost all of my skins including my knife thank ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ god he got VACed, you get what you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ get.
Bobalatte 18 апр. 2020 г. в 20:34 
Hеy bro, I'vе playеd cs against you rеcеntly and I'd like to invitе you in our tеam. Hеrе's my main account, add mе plеasе . We're planning to compete in some tourney, I think we have good chances with you especially :)