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0.5 timmar senaste två veckorna / 772.9 timmar totalt (98.7 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Upplagd: 13 jan, 2020 @ 21:51

Fun for a few days until you realize to make meaningful progression you need to shell over money, which is typical for a F2P game but I'm personally not totally enthused about a game that advertises itself as "free" and then slaps a pricetag on any progression you could make.

The gameplay loop is fun if you ignore the uptiering or compressed BR that you'll encounter frequently enough to make it a problem. Combat is fun and the vehicles are cool but the monetization of this game is something akin to a mobile game.
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1 kommentarer
karm 14 jan, 2020 @ 9:24 
The pay to progress aspect is not required. Frequently people play in the lower tiers and stay there because they don't care about grinding and only playing the game. You don't need to pay to progress. It only makes it easier, but then again not a whole lot easier.

Though ill agree about the compressed BR but eh