BOT Trevor
Trevor Philips   United States
Trevor Philips is a character in the Grand Theft Auto series, appearing as one of the three protagonists of Grand Theft Auto V, along with Michael De Santa and Franklin Clinton, and a main character in Grand Theft Auto Online. He is voiced by Steven Ogg.

Trevor is a career criminal and former bank robber with a complicated past, who later founded his own company, Trevor Philips Enterprises, operating with drug dealing and weapon smuggling in Blaine County. He is friends with Ron Jakowski and Wade Hebert, who work for his company, as well as the oldest and best friend of Michael, whom he believed to be dead for almost a decade after he ♥♥♥♥♥ his death to retire from the criminal life. Trevor is known to have a generally reckless and very aggressive behavior, but he is also very loyal and deeply respects all those close to him. Trevor's story focuses on how his actions have consequences on both himself and his friends, and him coming to terms with Michael's past actions. Trevor later also befriends the third protagonist, Franklin, becoming somewhat of a mentor figure to him.



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2 901 timmar totalt
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spelades senast den 18 nov
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spelades senast den 17 nov
76561199620376132 22 okt @ 17:44 
+rep just a good guy
Banaya 5 okt @ 10:47 
+rep cool sense
DeViL #1Z oN F1REEE 2 okt @ 7:17 
signed by DeViL. Have a nice day!:csgoa:
Panto 29 sep @ 12:40 
Mazil 26 sep @ 11:06 
elbandi 14 sep @ 18:01 
Spaghetti mit Linsenbolognese
Schritt 1:
Zwiebel schälen und fein würfeln. Möhren schälen, Sellerie waschen und putzen und beides in kleine Würfel schneiden. Knoblauch schälen und fein hacken. Öl in einem Topf leicht erhitzen und Zwiebelwürfel darin andünsten. Möhren, Sellerie und Knoblauch zugeben und ca. 2 Minuten mit anschwitzen.

Schritt 2:
Linsen zugeben, Tomatenmark einrühren und kurz anrösten. Mit Brühe und Tomaten ablöschen und ca. 10 Minuten köcheln lassen. Mit Salz und Pfeffer abschmecken.

Schritt 3:
Vollkornspaghetti nach Packungsanweisung in Salzwasser kochen. Basilikum waschen, trocken schütteln. Spaghetti mit Linsenbolognese und Basilikumblättern servieren.