jally:bebe 👑
اليكس بيبي   Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
▒█▀▀█ ▒█▀▀▀█ ▄ ▒█▀▀█ ▒█▀▀▀█  
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▒█▄▄█ ▒█▄▄▄█ ▀ ▒█▄▄█ ▒█▄▄▄█

trade link: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=342426044&token=5hn6YQyL

fps_max 0
fps_max_menu 0
net_allow_multicast 0
cl_disablehtmlmotd 1
cl_downloadfilter nosounds
force_audio_english 1
cl_timeout 9999999
r_drawtracers_firstperson 1
mat_queue_mode 2
cl_resend 1.5
cl_forcepreload 1
r_dynamic 0
r_eyemove 0
r_eyegloss 0
muzzleflash_light 0
sv_forcepreload 1
sys_antialiasing 0
sys_aspectratio -1
sys_refldetail 0
func_break_max_pieces 0
r_cheapwaterend 1
r_cheapwaterstart 1
mat_hdr_enabled 0
+cl_show_team_equipment 1
cl_radar_scale 0.38
sensitivity 1.3, dpi 50

set lunch options:
-refresh 60 -freq 60 -nojoy -novid -tickrate 128 -high +fps_max 0 +mat_queue_mode 2 -full +exec autoexec.cfg

bind "F1" "buy m4a1; buy ak47; buy vesthelm; buy vest;"
bind "F3" "buy mac10; buy mp9; buy vesthelm; buy vest;"
bind "F2" "buy famas; buy galilar; buy vesthelm; buy vest;"
bind "F4" "buy awp; buy vesthelm; buy vest;"
bind "F5" " buy hegrenade;"
bind "F6" " buy flashbang;"
bind "F7" " buy smokegrenade;"
bind "F8" " buy molotov; buy incgrenade; buy incgrenade; buy molotov;"
bind "shift" "+speed; r_cleardecals"
bind x "toggle volume 0.01 0.10"
alias "+jumpthrow" "+jump;-attack"; alias "-jumpthrow" "-jump"; bind c "+jumpthrow"

cl_crosshair_drawoutline "0"
cl_crosshair_dynamic_maxdist_splitratio "0.35"
cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_innermod "1"
cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_outermod "0.5"
cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitdist "7"
cl_crosshair_friendly_warning "1"
cl_crosshair_outlinethickness "0.1"
cl_crosshair_sniper_show_normal_inaccuracy "0"
cl_crosshair_sniper_width "2"
cl_crosshair_t "0"
cl_crosshairalpha "255.000000"
cl_crosshaircolor "5"
cl_crosshaircolor_b "0"
cl_crosshaircolor_g "255"
cl_crosshaircolor_r "0"
cl_crosshairdot "0"
cl_crosshairgap "-1.500000"
cl_crosshairgap_useweaponvalue "0"
cl_crosshairsize "1.500000"
cl_crosshairstyle "4"
cl_crosshairthickness "0.676934"
cl_crosshairusealpha "1"
cl_fixedcrosshairgap "3"

cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt "0.500000"
cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt "0.250000"
viewmodel_fov "68"
viewmodel_offset_x "2.500000"
viewmodel_offset_y "2.0"
viewmodel_offset_z "-1.500000"
viewmodel_presetpos "0"
viewmodel_recoil "0"
cl_bob_lower_amt "5.000000"
cl_bobamt_lat "0.100000"
cl_bobamt_vert "0.100000"
cl_bobcycle "0.98"

Game filter:
-color: 0 0 0 100
-sharpen: 20 50
-brighteness/contrast: 0 0 0 0 10
Sin conexión
Expositor de artwork
Necro 24 MAY 2023 a las 3:06 a. m. 
-obviously cheating on faceit in premade lobby of romanian motherfckers. ensure to keep reporting for ban evasion directly by faceit profile and request for check antycheat logs by faceit support ticket. banned soon.

btw. prayers for your mothers last breath you gipsy rat. i hope that btch will get multiple stabs in the chest fck3d by random muslim on the street
jaxi 25 SEP 2022 a las 1:45 a. m. 
signed by jaxi
starplajerz 2 FEB 2022 a las 8:00 a. m. 
Alrea 14 DIC 2021 a las 11:53 a. m. 
-rep walls
*STAR* 28 NOV 2021 a las 3:40 a. m. 
+rep BACK?
N0R1 12 NOV 2021 a las 10:20 a. m. 
signed by N0R1