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Sure, the game could use more variety in levels, enemies, loot items, and store items. But among the sea of co-op horror games this is easily the best one out there.
Publicada em 5 de novembro de 2023.
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For $15 Dollars you get the Railgunner and the Void Fiend which are both pretty fun characters and the new items bring a fun twist to the game that the lunar items just didn't have. But after that, the rest of the content is just not very fun to play and even if it was, it isn't worth $15. The most frustrating part is the new Void Fields. The concept is neat. An area of the map with high tier loot is locked behind a heavy cloud of poison and to access it you have to kill a certain amount of void enemies, which are essentially elite level enemies with their own unique buffs. This sounds fine but was implemented poorly. Once you kill a void enemy, a small void bug leaves the enemy and goes to infest another and until you kill all the bugs, you won't clear the field. Normally this would be fine, but the bugs often retreat into the void field and because of the heavy poison you can't chase them down. Thus leading into a vicious cycle where you add a large amount of time waiting next to the void field for the bugs to walk back from the other side of the map as some random enemy they infested. This sub optimal experience is then multiplied as up to THREE void fields can spawn on a map which can cover the teleporter and be right on top of your spawn point. Even if you break ALL the void fields, there is still a chance a void bug can then infect a teleporter boss and you just have no idea where they came from and now the level just got a lot harder for what seems to be for no reason. Also, just make the new characters playable without the void DLC enabled, at least let us pick and choose what is fun.

P.S. this is fixed with a small balance change, personally I think if you drop the total number of void fields in a level that would be nice. RoR2 is about exploring the level and when you cant explore half the stage, it's frustrating. Personally I think one is enough but I could be convinced that two on harder stages is ok. Second I'd lower the poisoning effects in the field. Currently, you can't even go into the field without dying or having to spend a long time regenerating. Just lower the effect slightly so players can go through it and clear the enemies inside, because right now, players have to wait outside for the enemies to come to them which is not fun.
Publicada em 8 de março de 2022.
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