Julix 11 de abr. às 11:55 
+rep, good teammate
Yoshkaeposha 9 de abr. às 9:21 
toxic prick
♻️ K1eszczu 9 de fev. às 9:47 
-rep cheating bot
люби меня малышка 19 de jan. às 16:41 
прими го трейд
triippiing 23/out./2023 às 12:52 
4k hours level 6 faceit :skull:
kAcuskive 21/set./2023 às 10:02 
no reason, but add me :)
Sunny 19/set./2023 às 7:02 
hey, added
мактрахер 3/set./2023 às 13:33 
Pan1c17 26/abr./2023 às 11:32 
лой зайчик 21/jan./2023 às 11:36 
прими го обмен
labreen 28/dez./2022 às 11:13 
dont play faceit anymore . with 900 games and still lvl 6 its just not your place dummy
perfect_smoker 22/ago./2022 às 12:27 
▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█░▒▓▒▒▒▒▓▒▒▒█░░░░░░░▀░░░░░█+rep add me please
Doktor BABA 13/mai./2022 às 2:35 
THREEGUN🐉 27/abr./2022 às 10:31 
braindead moron
sK1nSM3ysT3r 22/mar./2022 às 15:25 
Global rang and chatting, with 10 17 stats, "eZ" against dmg´s at the end of the game. In Germany we would call it "Cringe".
76561199030095599 27/jan./2022 às 21:09 
Buckelvieh ツ 15/dez./2021 às 12:19 
Wir bedauern es sehr, Ihnen, als einem unserer besten Kunden mitteilen zu müssen,
dass die von Ihnen bestellte Gummipuppe,
Model "Stumme Ursel 70+" (mit
Krampfadernachbildung und extra
Beinbehaarung) leider nicht mehr
lieferbar ist.

Die Produktion wurde leider Mangels
Nachfrage eingestellt.

Die restliche Bestellung von 16
Analvibratoren, Gleitmittel, die
DVD-Kollektionen "SHE-MALE´s" und
"Opa - Nicht nur das Bein ist
steif!" werden wir selbstverständlich
zu Ihrer vollsten Zufriedenheit ausführen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Ihr Berater -- n4p
FoRze 17/nov./2021 às 4:06 
Vonnum 10/jun./2021 às 5:30 
hi mate, can you add me? just for a quick chat
lulida 3/mai./2021 às 19:37 
hello mate, can you send me friend request? I have something for you
Naktilar 13/abr./2021 às 22:21 
sup bro, lets play together, send me a friend request pls
ᴜɴɪᴄᴏʀɴ 11/abr./2021 às 15:33 
sup bro, lets play together, send me a friend request pls
D3Ja.Vu 27/jan./2021 às 7:19 
package ma ta in gura sa o fut de terminat trag pula in rasa matii care te o infiintat pe pamant de gunoi trag pula in ma ta de german
「PRED. 」 25/jan./2021 às 11:24 
two german girls who know nothing, silvers
phent1x 17/nov./2020 às 11:17 
walling piece of garbage
Darwin 17/nov./2020 às 10:32 
scheiss smurf
ShouteR 6/out./2020 às 7:38 
trash player, only thing he does is bait
76561199043624960 5/ago./2020 às 5:56 
yo, send me friend request, i have something for you
76561197978183322 14/mai./2020 às 11:11 
Yo man, I know that you've already received other messages about joining the team, but we'd really like to have you among us... We're willing to pay weekly if you take part in some tournaments and leagues with us. We can pay $200-250 per week + prize pool split in case you take part in tournaments with us. If you're interested - add our team leader
W'alter 27/fev./2020 às 9:57 
kaneki's momma gay
r3dpym 27/fev./2020 às 8:18 
Mr.NoSkill 24/jan./2020 às 10:59 
zum jahr der radde muss man ja einer radde zum geburtstag gratulieren:2017stickyhotdog::Illuminates:
eric ♿ 5/dez./2019 às 12:38 
toxic boi
Барин 25/mai./2019 às 11:31 
-rep baiter
god 28/abr./2019 às 7:56 
+good teammate
wB* 16/mar./2019 às 8:14 
delete cs go ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥
ThisIsTheEnd 25/fev./2019 às 6:30 
son of 2 gay boys whit hacks
сын двух пид рил с читами
Sohn zweier ♥♥♥♥♥ mit hacks,
-rep nice hack bro
-rep ♥♥♥ king hacker
-rep noob hack
-rep waller+aimbot
-rep best hack lol
-rep wh
-rep cheater csgo
-rep enjoy ur vac :)
-rep fu ck you hacker
-rep trigger bot
-rep aimbot
-rep fu ck cheat
-rep hacking reported
ThisIsTheEnd 25/fev./2019 às 6:20 
son of 2 gay boys whit hacks
сын двух пид рил с читами
Sohn zweier ♥♥♥♥♥ mit hacks,
-rep nice hack bro
-rep ♥♥♥ king hacker
-rep noob hack
-rep waller+aimbot
-rep best hack lol
-rep wh
-rep cheater csgo
-rep enjoy ur vac :)
-rep fu ck you hacker
-rep trigger bot
-rep aimbot
-rep fu ck cheat
-rep hacking reported
^059 ^0/^3/^7/ 23/jan./2019 às 13:54 
Mr.NoSkill 17/dez./2018 às 7:19 
Mr.NoSkill 16/dez./2018 às 12:20 
Mr.NoSkill 15/dez./2018 às 5:19 
Mr.NoSkill 14/dez./2018 às 12:19 
Mr.NoSkill 13/dez./2018 às 5:40 
Mr.NoSkill 12/dez./2018 às 7:22 
Soprano 15/nov./2018 às 8:01 
go kill yourself
Mr.NoSkill 1/nov./2018 às 14:09 
-rep lake ist scheiße:csgo_banana:
Kyotake 5/out./2018 às 8:59 
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JibbitJayson 28/jun./2018 às 11:12 