Nick Gah𐂃𐂃𐂃𐂃 22.2. klo 6.13 
Vega 9.9.2023 klo 15.10 
-rep hurensohn
anakin slaywalker 12.1.2023 klo 15.30 
-rep dc and for what
poof 12.1.2023 klo 15.27 
-rep dc without a reason
Paul Slayer 2 11.2.2022 klo 4.18 
-rep cancer noob camp cheat
Lystea 8.2.2022 klo 10.19 
plus he dc in dead animation
Lystea 8.2.2022 klo 10.15 
-rep farmed two dimes of hook and did not really much the rest of the game, leading to 2 surv died
steve 13.12.2021 klo 4.59 
-rep dc without reason, probablu from france too lmaaaao
󠀡󠀡 3.5.2021 klo 2.02 
nice defuse lol
Pvt. Parts 23.3.2021 klo 14.45 
respect <3
Morgan Weedman 25.4.2020 klo 3.04 
Leonidas I 10.8.2018 klo 3.19 
+rep skilled player
Jenda 11.3.2017 klo 12.02 
Lil Pretty 30.1.2017 klo 9.56 
send nudes
🔱Mista Serva🔱 10.1.2017 klo 7.18 
za termo ponožky
Lil Pretty 10.1.2017 klo 7.17 
Dáš mi stravenku abych si mohl koupit novou nohu???
Pupíňo Skibidi Pečky 28.1.2016 klo 12.16 
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