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Bakuretsu, bakuretsu, la la la ~~
6 592
Timer spilt
Nylig aktivitet
6 592 timer totalt
sist spilt den 8. nov.
2,8 timer totalt
sist spilt den 2. nov.
Prestasjoner   1 av 34
0 timer totalt
sist spilt den 30. okt.
Prestasjoner   0 av 50
MoneyZZ 15. sep. kl. 6.57 
1 day ban awww im gna cry
MoneyZZ 14. sep. kl. 7.28 
what a sad life you have my guy. threw the game while you were pre made, what a good friend
MoneyZZ 14. sep. kl. 7.25 
will throw your game because he has mental of a 10 year old, you are horrible, sit down dog
жопа 24. juni kl. 21.26 
+rep gg, close game:reheart:
Kris 10. mai kl. 22.27 
his mom is ♥♥♥♥♥♥ on the tree today by his brother and I recorded the video on my phone.
empty dreams 5. apr. kl. 12.13 
Today's men r so soft. I was raised to be a manly man. No crying, no emotions, no "self-care", no grooming, & definitely no fun. I work 90 hours a week & when I'm not at work I'm building something or chopping trees. Real men don't use fancy soaps, just give me a rag & some water