Saving Private Corbyn
My name's Tomas, I've been slaying ♥♥♥♥ day in day out with my Broski Jonah innit, he proper wing man's me like he's so sick. I rememebr when we was in a game once and Btuzz was in a 1v5 with 1 hp and his knife and managed to do it. And when Alex got a 6 man ACE because he's so sick at the game that they added an extra player to the other team otherwise it would be unfair. But obviously adding an extra player to the other team didn't stop Alex. He flopped out his Green/Purple helmet and slapped them across the Kevlar causing internal damage to the Torso of every player which is where the Six man Ace comes from. Harry is the most skilled player our of all of us, averaging at 0.3 kills a game with a solid -200 K/D He hits 1 in 3000 headshots even when using aim assist. Matthew Better known as RedBuzz is among one of the greatest players of all time. Being a professional Ark player and having his own clan he has slayed over half the population of the dinosaurs on Ark causing Dinosaurs to almost become extinct. This put the Ark Developers at a stand still as they had a game about Dinosaurs but no dinosaurs were left as Matthew RedBuzz King of Ark Slayer of Dinosaur ♥♥♥♥♥ had Banished every person and dinosaur that walked the land. He used his left Testicle to tame a T-REX whilst a Raptor chewed on his Knob and still came out with a 23 incher. Matthew is also a EX professional CS:GO player. The team consisted of Matthew, his brother Carl and Stuart. they only needed 3 players as it was Deemed unfair as Matthew had the aim of Chris Kyle So was Banished from CS:GO in 1941. He returned to Dayz Mod where he claimed the lives of noobs and roamed around in a big group known as "DZR" He lived in a prefab but that didn't stop the best player on the whole server from Killing him every day and making him rage quit "shut your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ cake hole" "shut up! shut up!!!" "ya daft cont" His name was Btuzz, he was reported my over 2 members of the DZR clan because they were ♥♥♥♥ and used to get rekt by Btuzz every day innit but anyway back to the story. Btuzz started off as a Lone Wolf but soon had a little jew tagging along like a dagnut of off his arsehole shouting "Biiiillyy Billyyyy!!" "my m107 ♥♥♥ off biellyyy" "Snapping doesn't work bielllyyyy Honestly!" if you haven't already guessed, his name is Gosdaf...
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Deadly 24 Dec, 2020 @ 2:59pm 
good job with WH have big face for it