Ruzomberok, Zilina, Slovakia

Ona je Tá čo mi dáva energiu do hrania Ľúbim Ťa 💜 Pálenka 💜
My sa máme strielať a vy sa smejete,
kedy sa prosím Vás na tie prijebané +REP vyjebete?
1 ban VAC registrato | Informazioni
2053 giorno/i dall'ultimo ban
🩰 Rayne 👩‍❤️‍👩 25 ott 2019, ore 23:24 
🐳🎁🎄 Performance review for ♛P.R.O.♛OcTavius♛ 👹🔋🍖

Does not shirk duties, but always instigates and encourages load-sharing with other members of the team, resulting in strong group output. Consistently plans and monitors the work of team-members. Carries out jobs requiring the use of the hands or hand-tools well, but is not yet a master craftsman. Usually defensive when efforts are criticised – but they nevertheless tries to learn from mistakes. ♛P.R.O.♛OcTavius♛ always completes any assignment on time and to a high standard.

📒 + 🎫 = 💚
✪Ils ne passeront pas 21 ago 2016, ore 5:38 
╲┃╭╮╭╮┃╲╲ ┃ Zdieľaj toto aj ty, keď máš v živote takého
┗┫┏━━┓┣┛╲ ╰┳╮človeka, ktorého by si s takýmto veľkým
╲┃╰━━╯┃ ╲━━━╯úsmevom jebol krompáčom po hlave. ::D +REP
╲╰┳━━┳╯ ╲╰━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╯
Adamko 10 ago 2016, ore 8:22 
+rep kokot XD
twist 1 ago 2016, ore 2:50 
by twist!;
Deadly wife 24 lug 2016, ore 16:38 
by Nicollete_:8bitheart:
TrAGeT | eXtatus.eu 24 lug 2016, ore 6:25 