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Here's the thing , i would perhaps rant a negative and a positive review regarding this game. Stating In a feasible way for each one to comperehend.

This game has boons and bane when it comes to playing without moderation. The hunger to win everytime game after game , and the constant upset when losing consecutively thrice in a row or more , brings various results on each individual resulting to a vicious cycle.

Once you are ensnared by its stigma , you can perhaps want to play all the time to escape reality as a defense mechanism, to cope up with real life situations. Perhaps , you could be drawn to the positive side of winning , hence Binge Playing DOTA for the next 24 hrs or so. , ending with a daily routine of not entering a class or skipping work .

These are the harsh truth of DOTA 2 as a game not just for fun , maybe you could try to go PROFESSIONAL if you have the resources possible , then decide for yourself.

DOTA it is , With that being said. ADDICTION is a thing to consider
Diposting pada 15 September 2017. Terakhir diedit pada 20 Juni 2018.
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