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Nylige anmeldelser av jodipheonix

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22.7 timer totalt (11.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
I love this story so much and looking forward to going back to see how it plays out with different choices.

Highly recommend for anyone that once loved or still loves Dead by Daylight - don't count on me for spoilers , I'll just say if you're a fan or even were a fan to definitely grab this game and play it.

The story was great , the graphics were great , everything seemed pretty optimised which is always a bonus when playing any game.
The characters were good , some more relatable than others.

Would love to see Frank Stone and Madi come to DBD

50 out of 10 , love it!
Publisert 16. september.
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20.4 timer totalt (18.0 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
An interesting little game you can play , or just start and let it play itself.
It answers questions , whilst making you ask others.

My only negative about the game is , it breaks after X amount of things discovered.
Firs time it broke was after 11.5hrs of play I had discovered 679 beings , was forced to start a second round 6.5 - 7hrs into that one and 300+ beings discovered and same thing happened.
Everything went black and didn't matter how many times you tried to move , " sing " or even access the thought bubble , you couldn't do anything. It was just a black space even though you were on a city island.
Starting over from scratch - sucks. But , it's still an enjoyable game.

[EDIT]: My second save game did the same as the first , turned black. Could see thought bubble but couldn't interact or anything. Was able to reset everything from that point without losing progress and carry on.
Publisert 12. august. Sist endret 13. august.
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26.8 timer totalt (16.8 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)

I still have a LONG way to go.
There are still some things I feel could be ironed out , a few other things that would improve storage and backpack ( organising would be great but not an option sadly )

But , what makes me want to recommend .... the fact when you get to the coastline and see Tasmania , Bruce is there complete with JAWS theme
Publisert 15. juli.
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1.9 timer totalt
Super short game.

You're a random person that finds a phone.
You're nosy , you unlock all the secrets to the phone AND the person that owned it.

The story is a good story , albeit short it's complicated.

great game for anyone in the LGBTQA+ community , for allies and especially for transgender people. Sam is amazing. Her story is one that seems to be common amongst a lot of transgender people , they all seem to go through the same or similar trials and tribulations. Her biggest fear is how her parents will react. She took comfort in her friend and strangers she met online with her secret. For the rest , you need to play the game ;)
Publisert 5. juli.
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1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
8.8 timer totalt
The storyline was good.

My reason for a negative review is because it only took 8hrs to finish the entire game , it felt it should have went longer.
And , because even though the drawing was okay ... It was alien to me with all the other story rich games there is out there.

If you like story rich games , then yes. I'd recommend it , because it is a choices matter so there is a multiple outcome ...
But if you're looking for a typical 3D type imagery , it's not. It's 2D imagery.
Publisert 4. juli.
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1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
106.0 timer totalt
Fun game if you have friends.

Wish there was a solo mode , I haven't played in forever because no friends play it anymore and I don't want to be stuck with randoms.
Publisert 19. juni.
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11 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
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1.3 timer totalt
Anmeldelse fra tidlig tilgang
Very buggy , super laggy and just no fun to be had.

Publisert 17. mai.
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En utvikler har svart 4. juni kl. 15.09 (vis svar)
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1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
88.6 timer totalt (13.0 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
13 hours in , and all I can say is ...


In all seriousness though , I'm enjoying it so far.
The graphics are good , it's peaceful ( kinda hoping it stays that way... I need a break from stressful games. )

But I did mean what I said .... Build on high ground.
Publisert 2. mai. Sist endret 2. mai.
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16.9 timer totalt
The game is star studded , and has a phenomenal story.
Not super long , but long enough you could potentially put it down if you have a busy day.
The story is too good to leave it sit , I did it in one go.
It has replayability , I want to go back and play again to finish getting the few things I missed out on the first time around ( achievement hunting )

Did I mention the graphics ?
The textures are very high resolution. Can see every nook , every blemish , beautiful. And their eyes , THE EYES!! Possibly the first thing that got me hooked , honestly.

Can't say enough good things about the game , though I am a bit of a sucker for story rich goodness , and if you are too I highly recommend the game.
Publisert 20. april.
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1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
25.2 timer totalt
Very fun game , challenging at the start.
It gets a little easier as you progress along.
My only real gripe about the game , honestly ... Is that it's short.
Publisert 17. april.
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