LucasK 2024年5月3日 7時34分 
LucasK 2023年12月16日 12時22分 
Oglądacie może skibidi toilet?

"Skibidi Toilet, co to jest?"

Już opowiadam - Skibidi toilet to świetny serial oparty na problemach naszego świata, toczy się w nim nieskończona wojna którą twórca nawiązuje do Syzyfa. Wojne toczą kamera ludzie i skibidi toalety, czyli głowy wystające z kibla.

"Pierdolisz farmazony."
"Do kwadratu cię już pojbało."

Nie zrozumiecie...
Kxmd 2023年11月7日 9時25分 
I was offered sex with a 21 year old girl today. In exchange, I was supposed to advertise some kind of bathroom cleaner. Of course I declined, because I am a person with high moral standards and strong willpower. Just as strong as Ajax, the super strong bathroom cleaner. Now available in scented lemon or vanilla
LucasK 2023年10月22日 13時13分 
>The Chadslader 1916
>Has 26 rounds of ammo in his magazine
>Doesn't even know there's a reload key
>Always runs with big medbags so he can assert dominance with his 26 bullets in his superior position
>always shoots at max rate of fire and hits all his shots
>doesn't even use his secondary weapon
>has never died to an automatico
>always 1st on the scoreboard due to his superior KPM and SPM from big mag and big medbag
>kills the entire enemy team in one magazine and still has ammo left
>always has a KD of 5 or higher
>masssive impact on his games, doesn't even know what the defeat music sounds like
>on Skype with his harem of Stacies that give him ammo on command
LucasK 2023年10月14日 15時21分 
Kxmd 2023年7月17日 13時47分 
sinu 2023年6月17日 7時52分 
polecam użytkownika
raczekant 2023年6月2日 11時56分 
𝕶𝖚𝖗𝖚𝖘́ 2023年3月22日 4時21分 
Poszak 2021年2月27日 6時40分 
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