
PolskaTheGreyAWD の最近のレビュー

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総プレイ時間:61.1時間 (レビュー投稿時点:12.2時間)
Overall, the game is a great Mechwarrior game in of itself. Id reccomend it for its the first story driven one in what, 10 years or so? However there are some basic glitches still in the game ive noticed.

The menu is squirrly or over sensitive and there is random audio cuts completely in cutscenes that need ironed out. The most frustrating is the menu stuff.

Other than that so far, the game is what youd expect like 5 Mercenaries, only more graphically beautiful.
投稿日 2月5日.
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Its F**k*n Red Dead 2........whats the point of reviews at this point. Its one of the best RPG games ever made period. Might be tied with Skyrim.
投稿日 2024年11月29日.
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総プレイ時間:531.3時間 (レビュー投稿時点:519.5時間)
Most negatives are just Ubisoft haters or peaople that dont understand how licensing works and need another launcher. boohoo. 5 IS the best FarCry made, EXCEPT 3 obviously.....sadly its broken past any operating pc system past 7. Apparently all the nerds out there havnt figured out how to fix and audio code crash. But for anything past 3, 5 is the best and we cant deny that.. every game in the series past it is.....yikes. Some are kinda cool story wise. Ish. The game itself is horrid.
投稿日 2024年11月29日.
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総プレイ時間:35.4時間 (レビュー投稿時点:12.7時間)
Super simple, super basic clicker. The art is simple but cute AF (knowing who made it tickles me anyways). The gameplay is as rudimentary as possible. It does have it's challenging parts especially if you want to 100% the game. But I think the whole vibe of the game is not to take it seriously tbh. I think its actually more meant to be either a brainless chill game OR from what Ive started to see just an interactive chill game for the boys to join in a group and shoot the ♥♥♥♥ tbh, kinda like a VR Chat or similar chat room thing thats interactive. Sometimes not fancy and no BS actually make the best games anymore, least for human interaction. Like nostalgia of our simpler times and simpler games with a bit of competition, yet its a place for friends to just chill out in mostly.
投稿日 2024年11月29日.
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For a single developer, great game. Very atmospheric and anxiety driving. Cant wait to play The Alien Cube continuation next. Found the by your man MaddVlad.
投稿日 2024年1月6日.
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総プレイ時間:5.4時間 (レビュー投稿時点:1.0時間)
One of my most favorite games from the console era it was released tbh. Sadly was feeling nostalgic and got it on PC to play again and I just cant get used to the keyboard and mouse only controls for this game being so used to playing console. Still one of the best Hitmans that was made IMHO. But will have to pass on PC with this one not supporting a gamepad. I know the series is of PC decent but most of us got introduced to Contracts and this for the franchise on consoles. Guess this one was too old to support a controller feature and that's just a me thing. Still a great game if you are used to playing these with keyboard so still recommend. Just wish there was controller compatibility as I miss this game so much. Havnt played any of the new trilogy which I hope to get into soon. :)
投稿日 2023年12月28日.
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総プレイ時間:26.7時間 (レビュー投稿時点:26.6時間)
Very intriguing fun game. Reminds me of Little Nighmares. Is a tad Challanging if you dont know how to play this style game which I myself am not lol. Still stuck in a spot but overall have enjoyed this unique game and the art style is beautiful. Its one of those games you have to be in the mood to play however. Regardless, I enjoy it and love the Slavic lore of the game.

Only issue Ive seen is some weird staticy background stuff which im not sure is part of that chapter or game itself, like 90s era tv static white noise.
投稿日 2023年11月21日. 最終更新日 2023年11月21日
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総プレイ時間:205.3時間 (レビュー投稿時点:38.6時間)
So far an amazing game. The Devs keep up a great job updating and fixing bugs from what Ive seen. Also have read it's much better now than when it first launched. Ive watched this game since its release and just never thought it was ready enough to play till I saw a favorite Youtuber of mine play the lasted version right before this last big update. So I got it and dont regret it. Still has a couple things I see that could be improved or balanced but all in all an amazing game.

The few things I noticed:

1. Maybe its just me as someone that hunts and shoots allot but distances displayed see over or underskewed I guess to me. A distance of say 300 Yds displayed looks more to me like 1000 on screen lol. Maybe its just the FOV or DOF the game has. Otherwise just a trifle IMO.

2. Leveling is pretty slow IMO. I know its to be challanging but it does feel a tad slow. It seems the game makes it slow enough that it almost forces you to play the game more arcadey and quick to level and get money for new gear whilst the game shows itself as a as realistic as a game can be hunting game which should feel a tad more slow and methotical whilst awarding you a little more per hunted animal harvest or mission.

2b. Kinda goes with the leveling thing, prices on stuff is a tad ridiculous. The leveling, prices, and money earning could be a little more balanced for a more realistic playing aspect. (I know its a game but...a tad more work I think could improve the feel of accomplishment).

3. Animals can almost be Terminator. Shots that would crumple them like a sack of potatos IRL they quite often shrug off and run 3 miles. ( Even after finding and harvesting them seeing where they are hit, a lung shot should drop a deer within 100 yards IRL and often its happened in game they just run away half the map lol.)

All in all quit pleased. I had a rather bad CTDT bug in Silver Ridge Peaks that happened often. And since very last update havnt encountered it so they must of fixed it as well. I enjoy the game even with the few quirky flaws that are only my opinion and highly reccomend the game for those just wanting a cool outdoorsy hunting experience and relax (usually). Its the best hunting game since the old PS2 era Cabela's games and been waiting for another game like it for over a decade or mor now. Impressed so much by this one I nominated it for GOTY Labor of Love as the Devs been doin work I see.
投稿日 2021年12月15日.
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総プレイ時間:2,338.4時間 (レビュー投稿時点:2,221.0時間)
Been playing since damn near when it released. Not a type of game for everyone and the whole open world survival genre is a bit overdone, BUT, Ark puts a cool twist to it and Ive got near 2,000 hours in it now. It has its own niche fan base still supporting it to this day even with its flaws which is awesome. And yes, there are still flaws but any game like this is going to have them. The developer honestly should of ported to console and release out of early access till they finally got optimization buttoned up first.

My only qualm is update after update and addition of content only to have updates break something else instead of them clearing up glitches and optimization first. To be expected as I said just wish by this point this far in theyd focus on that stuff more. Its also a very GPU demanding game (partially due to poor optimization) BUT it looks great on highest settings and did from day one back in EA even. The other thing to note is it takes ALLOT of HD space compared to most games. It even outdoes my Skyrim with folders of mods and GTA IV with mods in size with only a handful of mods (where-as my skyrim folder is filled with well over 150 mods currently). So its a space hog especially if you get into even the near essential mods for the game.

But past that its fun, beautifully made, and takes commitment. Especially on Official Servers. The unofficial server list is about thicker than the pages of the whole Oxenfurt Encyclopedia set as anyone and their grandmoher can create their own private/public servers and well over half are dead as a coffin nail, but there are allot of good unofficial servers to join that are active if you wade through the hash and trash to find one that fits what you want. And it even has single player (though its more fun with a group of friends and more helpful) BUT they recently released a Creative Mode for single player which is fun to sandbox or test things before taking them to an online server.

All in all I give this game an 8/10. Id give it a 10/10 if it wasnt for the frequent updates to fix stuff only to break something else and lack of optimization. And I wish as everyone that is the fan of the game knows what im talking about, that the developers would keep the item list updated and assign numbers as they go in file for commands.... But in the end this is one of those niche games that take a special commited gamer to enjoy that likes this style genre. Im one of those it seems. Trust me when I first heard about the game, I didnt think id like it either and had a furled brow when a friend described it to me...


EDIT 11/24/18: Since the extinction release Ill bump it up to 9/10. best expansion Wildcard has brought and helped fully tell the story of the Arks if you so choose to go out and find it. Still typical glitches in games like these but couldn't be happier besides with this expansion.
投稿日 2018年3月5日. 最終更新日 2018年11月24日
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