Andy Tran   United States
Hey, if your looking at my profile you are probably thinking i'm hacking i am not hacking its just a good game. I'm also 14 Years Old! Another reason why you might be looking at my profile is that you want to trade with me! Heres my trade link : https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=259002072&token=6_6xnquu
현재 오프라인
Yuri Tarded 2017년 12월 29일 오후 2시 59분 
+rep nice trader
crank -iwnl 2017년 12월 22일 오전 11시 57분 
+rep fair and kind
RikoPantera 2017년 12월 18일 오후 4시 45분 
+REP gets the great trader rep