:angrykit: 1if3 i5 a pi3c3 0f d0g 5h*t. :btsr_anarchy: 3v3rythin9 i5 f*ckin9 m3anin91355. :complexskull: 10v3 D035n't 3xi5t :cony_brujah: F*ck th3 w0r1d.

10V3:LIS_pixel_heart:: 1s1and5, Und3rwat3r, 3nc1053d 5pac3, Darkn355, 3th3r3a1 m0m3nt, P0w3r arm0r, Nak3d, 8100d, 53x and vi013nc3, Vi5c3ra and fr35h m3at
HAT3:possession:: Humanity, Civi1izati0n, Cr0wd, 8ur3aucrat capita1i5m

:badik_isabella: My 8rain i5 fu11 0f 15a8311a! :badik_isabella: 1 0n1y hav3 15a8311a in my 3y35, n0 0th3r 8*tch35! :badik_isabella: 3v3n my h3art ha5 83c0m3 th3 5hap3 0f 15a8311a! :badik_isabella: 1 can't c0ntr01 my531f! :badik_isabella: 15a8311a i5 th3 p3rf3ct 90dd355 in my dr3am! :badik_isabella: AAAAAA! :badik_isabella: 15a8311a! :badik_isabella: My f0r3v3r 3nd1355 dr3am!:steamsad:
P3rman3nt 5car5 3tch3d in th3 h3art
1 0nc3 had 8r0th3r5 and 5i5t3r5 wh0 w3nt thr0u9h 1if3 and d3ath with m3. 1 u53d t0 think that th3 80nd 83tw33n p30p13 w0u1d n3v3r chan93. Unti1 th3 p30p13 c10535t t0 m3 83tray3d m3 m3rci13551y. Th3y t00k 5id35 and ch053 any0n3 8ut m3. W3r3 w3 n3v3r fri3nd5 fr0m th3 839innin9, 0r 50m3thin9 chan93d? Th3 w0und 5ti11 hurt5 t0 thi5 day. 1 ju5t h0p3 1 can f0r93t a11 0f thi5 5hit in th3 10n9 riv3r 0f tim3. P3rhap5 50m3 w0und5 wi11 n3v3r h3a1, 35p3cia11y th053 in th3 h3art. 8ut ri9ht n0w, 1 ju5t want t0 p1ay 50m3 vid30 9am35. 3v3n if that d035n't 501v3 anythin9.
A wi53 man 0nc3 5aid ‘P30p13 that can hurt y0u, th3 0n35 that can r3a11y hurt y0u ar3 th3 0n35 that ar3 c1053 3n0u9h t0 d0 it’
Bloodlines - Malkavian Female
23 2
Double Fuck ! !
3 1