Orange Protogen
emilien   France
I am no longer accepting random friends' requests due to the scammer that tried to scam me
If I don't talk to you, I don't use steam I use discord if you want to add me please ask me before I give my discord username thank you!
Sedang Bermain
Rec Room
温柔耐心人皮话多御姐萝莉 各种制服都可以
Orange Protogen 5 Feb @ 10:25pm 
i didn't know furry was doing weird stuff now these day the part thing that i hate when i ask a furry question if he ever do the weird stuff he said " no i never do weird stuff" that's a lie that's cap you never tell me the truth i mean being a furry is not weird but if you do the sus joke that's weird that's what i'm try to explain
Orange Protogen 1 Feb @ 7:44am 
thank you for sending the link i thought your video was deleted no you just unlisted the video
Ocublox 1 Feb @ 7:20am 
The video wasn’t deleted, it was just set to unlisted, as I found it extremely embarrassing nowadays. If you want to watch it here’s the link:
Orange Protogen 24 Jan @ 11:28pm 
if you see the spam message that's show the n word ip address and gmail address that's was not me it's was a hacker that he login my discord account you guys you're just dumb
Orange Protogen 24 Jan @ 11:24pm 
if you keep accuse me being a creep your comment will be deleted please stop doing that ♥♥♥♥♥ i didn't do anything wrong i didn't add underage people as a friends i only accpet people friends request if they are 16 17 and 18 right now i'm current 17 year old i only accpet friends request if you're 16 17 18 year old so please stop you're just a cry furry hater baby