Damian Koman   Poland
"And then I'll grow yer arse's arse and I'm the grass man, punk yeah heaven's heathen..."
ScrubLittleBOi jan. 13., 10:06 
+rep love this guy
Fruitloop jan. 4., 4:30 
plays like a chess >:(
Reaper 2023. nov. 16., 16:26 
+rep add me ı wanna trade wtih you
Reaper 2023. nov. 16., 16:24 
+rep add me
_big_boi_69 2021. jún. 29., 10:36 
+Rep właśnie jestem po buzowaniu skurwignata
suzanciaaa 2021. jan. 12., 13:05 
oj byczku