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⚡AℚuaAήŇa⚡ 12 NOV a las 11:14 a. m. 
skilled rifler, strong gunplay, let's stay dominant on the server
Marindis 30 OCT a las 11:16 a. m. 
+rep fun to play with
♛ Runnin 3 SEP a las 3:03 p. m. 
+rep pretty good player
Austin Reeves 30 AGO a las 4:25 a. m. 
bro is a silly billy
Yggginn 24 AGO a las 10:31 a. m. 
great sportsmanship
Adriezan 23 AGO a las 11:02 a. m. 
elite player, flawless execution, let's keep the wins flowing