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Billabong Joe   Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
:Ra::mllrmask::csgoct::AffinityHarmony: - Welcome to My Profile - Just a rebel gamer.
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107 horas jugadas
Monday: Day 1
At 0600 Hours Patient Zero contracts an unknown contagion.
At 0720 Hours, a public hospital located Shanghai, China, is quarantined and an hour later, health authorities immediately issue a travel warning regarding travel in China's most populated city.

Tuesday: Day 2
At 0330 Hours, what appears to be a highly virulent strain of tropical rabies begins appearing throughout Shanghai and neighboring cities. Symptoms include a serve headache, coughing, excess saliva and mucus forming at the mouth and nose. Sensitivity to noise and movement is also heightened, mild aggression is also being reported. Within the hour, police respond to over 18,600 calls, all of which describe paramedic casualties resulting from the hostile sick.

At 0520 Hours, another health emergency is issued and all flights in and out of the Shanghai, and her neighbor cities has been suspended until further notice. The number of infected tops a million and a half hours later: the number of deceased has yet to be confirmed, even the media doesn't know.

At 0945 Hours, the Chinese Government requests assistance from the CDC, a leading health institution of the USA. The Chinese Government informs the North American institution that all cases reported outside the "Epicenter for the Outbreak" have been quarantined, and that all of whom who may have come into contact with an infected person are under a mandatory isolation. Furthermore, all emergency procedures implemented into preventing the spread of disease, have been activated with a 24/7 curfew placed in Shanghai.

The CDC team begin their analysis of the infected persons under isolation. By this stage, the mystery contagion has caused a mild necrotic breakdown of its host’s tissue, extreme hemorrhaging and a serve migraine bordering extreme aggresion. The streets of Shanghai remain calm for now, the police stationed at checkpoints throughout the city keeping a cautionary eye out...nothing like this stays calm for long...

Of the 24.1 million, a micro-handful of individuals who are asymptomatic (Unable to show symptoms) were on thirteen different travel routes before the Flight Cancellation Procedure was activated. Twenty four individuals, that's all that's required to bring modern civilization to its knees and palms...

Day 3 sees the "Previously contained outbreak" spiral out of control as protesters march the streets. Quickly, China's biggest ever riot quickly forms and within hours, Molotov’s are being hurled, riot police beat their shields with their batons as they represent supperiority, all the while the contagion is being actively transmitted from person to person, the infected becoming cannibalistic in nature. The national press gets whiff in the Chinese media storm of the CDC team being evacuated after a serious altercation with the patients they were tending too.

Similarly cases of the same uncategorized, contagion begins appearing in Jakarta, Indonesia's capitol city. Yet, there's remote cases appearing in Sydney of Australia, Rome & Paris of Europe, Los Angeles, and Brasília, of the America's. Soon, within the matter of a single week, these cases lead to dozens cannibalistic massacres & the lockdowns of public hubs, from hospitals to hotels, the number of calls the police receive regarding "Zombie attacks" rapidly increases by the hour.

Weeks 1 & 2 saw a major involvement of Law Enforcements globally. From out of control rioting in L.A, to an Australia S.E.R.T team entering a quarantined hospital in Brisbane, for once the Government of each affected nation didn't see a positive resolution to the situation at hand, for once, they were genuinely scared because nothing they were issuing was working.

Week 3 beginning sees 57 different Armed Forces being mobilized across the globe, the soldiers in their armored trucks and light assault vehicles taking to the streets as Martial Law is mentioned persistently in the international media. In nations such as the USA, the National Guard of each state is given detain on sight orders by the President himself, as companies of Guardsmen patrol each and every major city from the West to the East Coast. Rioting ignites everywhere where it wasn't before. Looting and arson is sporadic, but is seldom mentioned in the media as they frenzy over the prospect of genuine zombies. More and more, people in each suffering nation, are disappearing by the hundreds. Murders and cannibalism are common mentioning’s across the international media spectrum.

Mid-way through Week 3, two thermal nuclear explosions occur in Beijing and Shanghai of China. Everyone had forgotten about the Chinese because they've been caught up in their own homegrown outbreaks. 37 million people in China die alone in the two separate detonations. The Chinese were hopping, preying, that the nukes would work and wipe out the two most heavily infested cities in the world, but the attempt is a failure and the infected run rampant. Big military nations like Russia and the USA, view through orbital imagery the shouldering remains of two desolate radioactive cities, the skyscrapers in them reaching up to the heavens as they smoke, their blackened husks on the verge of toppling down.

Week 4 and Russia closes it borders indefinitely. With few cases reported so far in Putin's country, besides the massacre's in Moscow and St.Petersburg, the Russian's believe they're safe and will hold out while the rest of the world goes to hell around them. All of Europe does the same, each nation closing their borders to refugees fleeing the ruins of their home countries cities. Safe Havens that were constructed in an effort to protect the healthy and prevent the infected from getting in, whilst under the guard of an entire military battalion, begin collapsing as millions of infected breach the "Safe" Havens walls, those inside, for the majority swell to meet the ranks of their new brethren, while the remaining minority simply become food for a persisting, unsatisfied hunger.

China goes dark on Day 28 of the Pandemic. Quick followers include all Asian countries on the mainland. Then the Indian Sub-continent. Most of Eastern Europe goes black as if someone turned the power off. Scatters of Western European nations fall as silent as the grave. Turkey, Greece and all of North Africa ceases to communicate. The last communication from Australia before its silence was that the "Power Players" in charge were making a retreat to Tasmania. New Zealand goes quiet hours later. Quickly, the rest of the world falls asleep into a never wakening coma. From Space, the planet that use to appear vibrant with light and modern civilization, is dark and dead.

The last few nations to shutdown global communications included Russia, certain areas of the USA close to the Rockies, Canada, Norway and Poland. Then the world was truly dark. No city lights ever coming back on. The undead crowd in the streets like resident locus, swarming here and there in the millions.

This is what I visualised as I manipulated the Necroa Virus and brought havoc & destruction to human kind XD. I've watched a lot of Zombie movies/tv series and read more than your average amount of apocalyptic zombie or doomsday disease novels, so my imagination whilst in-game may get a little to much into overrdrive. Just watching your disease spread from one nation to the unfortunate next, witnessing from a god-like prespective multiple countries attempting to restrict your diease's transmisson, from attempting to create a cure to shutting down airports, sea ports and forbidding forigen travel because the risk to their society is to high, and failing! Wow, its an awsome feeling.

Be Manipulative. Be Smart. Be Superior.

RATING: 10/10 Best Apocalyptic Simulator


If there's any form of typo, I apologize.
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HostraX 13 JUL a las 16:01 
ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ ᴡᴇᴇᴋ :acccfire:
HostraX 23 FEB a las 5:48 
Have a great weekend! :acccfire:
ℤ𝔼ℝ𝕆 20 FEB a las 22:41 
hey brother, good day. please check the game Grey Zone Warfare. its almost out and i know you will like it
Zerlyx 8 NOV 2023 a las 9:18 
Hey, it's me, Zerlyx.
It has been a while, huh? I hope you enjoyed Halloween last week and spoiled yourself a bit.
I'm sending you this message to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2024 in advance, as I will be on vacation and unavailable on Steam. Don't let the early Christmas songs drive you crazy.
Otherwise I wish you a pleasant remaining week and I hope you enjoy the next 2 months in bliss, and no matter what hard times come, you'll make it through!

I'll see you soon! - Zerlyx
HostraX 4 AGO 2023 a las 11:47 
ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ ᴡᴇᴇᴋᴇɴᴅ :acccfire:
HostraX 28 JUL 2023 a las 10:33 
ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ ᴡᴇᴇᴋᴇɴᴅ :acccfire: