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Diposting: 25 Nov 2020 @ 4:15pm

And GOTY goes to, well lets be honest this should've been obvious.
Hades is that gem in rouge-likes that brings them back to the sunlight, an outstanding game that takes the genre into a different perspective, no not being its a rouge-lite, but having every little aspect of it meld together into an outstanding game.
In the past there are many other rogue-likes that are great, BoI, EtG, DC, but those don't have the same profile as Hades, no not because again its a rogue-lite, but the fact they're all straight forward whereas Hades is not, you can take it down any path that you choose to do so based on your decisions, eventually ending up at the ending, well what ending.
Regardless when you combine the game play, music, difficulty curve, all the interactions together, it makes an outstanding game and it did not go unnoticed, and certainly it won't go unnoticed for a long time.
The only question is where to build from here, an amazing game what can top it, well not much i'd say, this is the pinnacle of this genre and will be talked about for a long time, even longer if they add anything later on, which many would hope for.
So Hades, being the greatness that it is, not only deserves high honors all the time, but is GOTY hands down, especially comparing what it is against. Lastly I regret not buying this game initially, waiting until it went out of early access and my oh my what a mistake.
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