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6.3 hrs on record
There isn't much I can say about this game that hasn't been said already in other reviews, but "Oxenfree" is a lovingly-made horror adventure walking simulator that sticks with you, even once you finish your first playthrough. Your choices matter (even if the narrative still continues in the same general direction), and the conversations feel surprisingly natural.

Also, a (non-spoilery) tip: Do the New Game+. It's definitely worth it. (And still spooky!)

All in all: Creative puzzles and natural-feeling interaction, wonderful music, and neat gameplay mechanics make "Oxenfree" a great game for those looking for a spooky mystery. While it's worth the full $20 price tag, on sale, it's a steal! Anyway, check out "Oxenfree". It's an adventure worth your time.
Posted 22 November, 2017.
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3 people found this review helpful
4.2 hrs on record (3.5 hrs at review time)
The aptly-titled Magical Otoge Ciel is a treasure. You play as the princess Ciel, travelling with two of her royal knights--Florien, her childhood friend, and his stern yet caring brother Anton--along with a mysterious trickster, Yvin, stalking following them throughout local kingdoms. On each route, the characters learn more about each other, and in the process, fall in love while making bad puns. What isn't there to love?

The art is incredible for a game of this price; heck, it's better than art in some paid games I own, and that's saying something. The character designs are precious. The backgrounds are gentle and painterly, simple without being boring. The CGs, also, are beautiful. I love the creator Batensan's art style!

The characters are wonderful. The writing, humorous and light, is refreshing, and the worst that can happen in this game is maybe some hurt feelings and minor drama. Florien grows so much, Anton reveals his true self (he's a sweet little cinnamon bun) and Yvin's route, which varies from the other two in terms of direction, is fun with a bit of added character development. When there is drama, it's not cheap; it's actually very well-done, leading me to get emotional about these characters.

There's also a plethora of extras, most of which are behind the scenes stuff with the creator Batensan, and lots of fun extra scenes with the cast, which I grew to love immensely as I played.

This game is phenomenal, especially for a free dating sim, and creator Batensan really poured their heart into it, and it shows. This game made me happy, and I'm sure it can make you happy too.

It's free, it's adorable, and a great way to spend a couple of hours of free time. So, you've got nothing to lose. Treat yourself. Download "Magical Otoge Ciel".
Posted 19 September, 2016.
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10.8 hrs on record (8.5 hrs at review time)
Looking for a LGBTQIA+-friendly dating sim? Do you like cats? Well then, you're in luck!

"Hustle Cat", by the studio Date Nighto (AKA "They made 'We Know The Devil'") is a fluffy, adorable game for those who love cats, lovable characters, fun humor, and some pure, innocent romance. The player takes control of Avery Gray (pronouns, gender presentation and skin tone choosable by the player), a twenty-something who finds out that a nearby cat cafe needs employees. They love cats. They also need a job. Seems like a match made in heaven, right?

Well, let's just say that Avery, along with the other characters, get a bit more than they bargained for.

This is the kind of game where it's good to go in with a fresh slate, so I won't go into too much detail, but it's a delight. Honestly, even if the story can seem contrived at points (it's explained in the special route, don't worry, though I wish they explained a VERY IMPORTANT PLOT POINT a bit more overall), that's a small complaint, since it's so goshdang adorable. That, and the characters really carry the game. Hayes', Landry's, and Mason's routes ended up being my favorites.

Avery, the protagonist, is phenomenal. They're a believable young adult/late teen (they're 19) and most of their internal monologue matched what I was thinking as I played. On that note, everyone's dialog is wonderful. Whether it's being self-referential, humorous, or poignant at points, it's a joy to read. It's clearly a labor of love on the part of Date Nighto, and this love shows in every moment.

The CGs are also wonderful! I love the art style, which is somewhere between anime and American cartoons. The skin-color changing option for Avery, along with the alternate gender presentations and pronouns, are also a nice touch, and alternate forms of Avery in each cut scene can be accessed via the CG gallery. It's fun to tinker around and see what the scenes look like for other players!

Also, unlike some other dating sims on Steam, this one is entirely family-friendly, save for some language. There are a few "mature" themes underlying some of the routes, but they are presented in a way that is suitable for any player, no matter of age. I, as someone who lives for fluffy cuteness, was pleasantly surprised, especially after playing darker dating sims like "Nameless: The One Thing You Must Recall" and "Hatoful Boyfriend".

My few complaints are that sometimes, the game wouldn't save CGs, so I had to play routes a few times to get them. The game would sometimes crash on me randomly. The Steam overlay doesn't work properly. That, and the storyline can get a bit repetitive within each route, since there's a general story point you have to reach in each for the sake of concluding the plot overall.

But, these are all small complaints. This game ended up warming my heart like a nice cup of tea. While it's not perfect, I'd say it's definitely worth the buy, as it's an adorable, well-made gem.

So, overall, visit A Cat's Paw and treat yourself to some purr-fectly sweet fun. You won't regret it.
Posted 19 August, 2016.
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8 people found this review helpful
13.4 hrs on record (11.5 hrs at review time)
Do you like dating sims? No? Yes?

Well, that doesn't matter, because "Hatoful Boyfriend" is hilarious, and deserves a playthrough either way.

I know there's tons of reviews for this game already, so there's not much else I can say that everyone hasn't said before, but what I can say is that I walked in blind, and it ended up being one of my favorite games. It's a treasure with a surprising amount of (dark) meat hidden beneath its little avian heart.

You will get attached to the pidgeons. Even if they are popular otome game stereotypes, each one ends up having tons of heart. (Some much more than others--LOOKING AT YOU, CREEPY DOCTOR SHUU) My personal favorite routes were Ryouta and Nageki's, along with Yuuya. Still, there's something for everyone, with some of the routes becoming surprisingy poignant.

The translation, despite a few typos, is delightful, and the writing was very clearly done with love. Even if the art is quite literally stock photos of birds, don't let that dissaude you: It's actually a very well-made game.

The special route, the "Bad Boys' Love" Route, also deserves a mention, as it elevates the game from "fun gimmick" to "wow this is actually really well-done".

And for those who want more of the fun (and pain), the Christmas sequel, "Holiday Star", is a nice addition to the franchise. All in all, while I'd wait to get this game on sale in a combo pack with the sequel and some bonus material, it's worth a playthrough no matter what.

It's birdy-ful.
Posted 19 August, 2016.
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2 people found this review helpful
4.3 hrs on record (0.4 hrs at review time)
I didn't think I'd cry over a game about a robot and her planetarium, but here I am.

Key, true to form, has made yet another wonderful visual novel here. And, with the anime adaptation coming out, there's no better time to play this treasure of a game. The abridged version of the plot is, "Dude meets an upbeat robot girl in an abandoned town and learns about the stars--along with the power of friendship." It's so much more than that, obviously, but I don't want to get into spoilers! It's the kind of game where you should go in not knowing much.

I was pleasantly surprised; long story short, I got it on sale ($3) around March-ish, so I wasn't expecting much when I played it on a whim now. Though, the normal asking price, $9.99, isn't a stretch. It's an incredibly well-made game, and the production value is easily worth that.

This visual novel is short, and there's no decisions to make, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. The player is taken along for a ride with this loving robot and her world-weary pal, the protagonist, for just the right amount of time. Not too long, not too little.

The voice acting, even if there's only 2 main characters, was stellar. You don't see the protagonist at all, nor do you get a name for him besides "Mr. Customer", but you get more than enough background through his memories, which do a wonderful job of worldbuilding. We have a lot of "showing, not telling", which I really appreciate. On that note, the writing was also charming, especially in the more poignant bits.

Plus, the CGs? The music? Lovely.

All in all, if you want a touching, moving experience, put aside 4 hours of your day to play this game. You won't regret it.
Posted 19 August, 2016.
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