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Senaste recensioner av Captain Salt

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3 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
1 person tyckte att denna recension var rolig
6.0 timmar totalt (4.8 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Even though it's generally regarded as the best CoD game, the level designs really did not age well. The infinitely respawning enemies espically on harderned is unbalanced, as the player is advancing after clearing a batch of enemies, another squad will spawn and kills player with a few shots or a gerande spawned out of no where blew the player to pieces, rinse and repeat. And the autosave system and the decision of barring the player from changing the diffculty makes some missions simply fustrating to play.

Unless you are really confident with your skills don't play on any level pass regular.
Upplagd 14 juli 2018.
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145.4 timmar totalt (28.5 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
The game has a lot of depth to it, maybe a bit too complex at the start but the system is still pretty intuitive. Fantastic writing, each quest doesn't feel like recurring busy work at all with many interesting NPCs. Brilliant art design, for the stunning in-game sceneries, costumes and monsters. Hundreds of hours of great, solid gameplay. Even with the recent criticism towards CD Projekt Red's management, this game is still a must-have in any PC gamer's library.
Upplagd 15 februari 2018.
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7.2 timmar totalt (6.2 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
The dark theme of Spec Ops: the Line gives the player a distinct overall feeling to other Modern Military Shooters, it leaves a bad taste in your mouth after playing it and makes you think about the story and question the actions you took as a video game player which few games, especially MMS can do.

Just buy and immerse yourself in the outstanding narritives of this hidden jewel.
Upplagd 20 november 2017. Senast ändrad 23 november 2017.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
20.2 timmar totalt
Got to say, rather disappointed with this one.

The gameplay feels worse than the new order, the stealth still doesn't work really well. What is the most disappointing thing is the gun play, the hit response for the shotgun as well as the AR don't feel as powerful as in TNO. The SMG is bascailly rubbish without upgrading it, and with the rather limited weapon upgrade kits in the campagin levels, means you won't fire it much. The overall weapon upgrading system feels less refreshing as the weapon alt-firing mode in TNO, the weapons more or less do the thing you expected it to, so they feel way less versatile then weapons like the marksman rifle.
I really dislike the health system in the new colossus, they starts you off with 50 hitpoints, which is understandable in a story standpoint but it really underminds the Run and Gun style gamplay in the first half of the game, pratically unplayable in higher diffculty unless treating it as a coverbased FPS. Even with the health upgrade in the later half you are still a bit too vulnerable as the enemies deals a lot more damage then TNO.
The contraptions are pretty nice but the battle walker is pretty useless without the perk, and how you only get them in the later half of the game makes them feel a bit too gimmicky.
The 50 health in the first half of the game is dissuasive for anyone considering to replay the campaign and how the Ubercommando missions are just copy pasting the mediocre maps make the replay value not great.

Character and writting
I don't feel like the game is SJW but I agree that the new characters are pretty badly written.
Grace isn't much of a likeable character, her attitude to other crew members and no blatant character arc makes her a unconvincing character.
Holton isn't really fleshed out as he don't appear until the final 3 mission.
The overall tone is messed up. It feels unconsistan, I feel like they didn't find a balance with humor and seriousness. TNO's tone is pretty much perfect, you can feel that the resistance is desperate and the people are really in hell in the ♥♥♥♥ occupied world, through the locations the player visits and the dialouges. But in the new colossus you don't really feel like the sub is threatened by the Ausmerzer's hunt for resistance groups. The new colossus feels badly put together, it don't have the darker tone and charm of TNO. The villain seems a lot less intimitating then Deathshead, Engel is too comical.

Technical stuffs
The graphics are alright but for some places like the roof the texture are really low RES.
It had a ok launch, at least for me but after multiple patches, it still has ocassional crashes.

The game crashed when I was taking screen shots during the ending cut-scence, what more can I say.
Bloody AAA publishers.

If you liked the new order and/or the old blood... don't by it at least during sales, the game is not worth $60.

I won't pre-order ever again.
Upplagd 27 oktober 2017. Senast ändrad 10 december 2017.
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19.7 timmar totalt (19.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
It's good, just play it.
Upplagd 17 juni 2017.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
52.6 timmar totalt (48.6 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Stay away from the unbalanced, money grabbing CIV VI, play this instead.
Upplagd 20 april 2017. Senast ändrad 20 april 2017.
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4 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
13 personer tyckte att denna recension var rolig
88.6 timmar totalt (85.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
88 hours in, finished the campaign and all DLC without even finding dogmeat.
Upplagd 27 januari 2017.
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2 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
2 personer tyckte att denna recension var rolig
16.7 timmar totalt (8.2 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Buy a extra copy for your friend(s) and you can have hours of fun, freeing the crap out of thrid world countries and drinking commie tears, but there are lots of bugs that needs to be fixed.Definitely recommended for people who likes 70-90s action movies.
Upplagd 7 januari 2017. Senast ändrad 7 januari 2017.
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4.3 timmar totalt (1.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
The game is fun and the insults are both ridiculous and amusing. And the game still needs some polish, like expanding the pool for words you can use.
Upplagd 31 december 2016. Senast ändrad 6 januari 2017.
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7.1 timmar totalt
Shortened episodes, flat characters, dialogues still don't have a impact on the story and no deep character arc, overall just meh, huge let down as the first 2 season is really good.
Upplagd 22 december 2016. Senast ändrad 6 september 2017.
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