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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 343.9 hrs on record (197.9 hrs at review time)
Posted: 24 Nov, 2023 @ 10:14am

Not to brag but after 200 hrs, I'm still bad at apex.

In Conclusion,
If you are considering getting in the mix in Apex, don't. You aren't meant for this game. The very fundamentals of the game are designed to hate new players. If you don't get how the guns work or how the abilities work you are destined to die in every encounter. Every once in a while the stars will align and you will get a heroin hit of a team wipe. However, just like heroin, it fades quickly when you die on the next encounter. This game is for the people who are still playing it since release. For those who have made a name for themselves and as such cant let the game go.

Totally New Gameplay!

The matchmaking system is the wackiest ive ever seen. Instead of taking your skill in combat into account, It's based on your survival. If you run and hide, you will get into the top 5 often and therefore be better. However, you will be thrown into harder and harder lobbies where you don't win fights.

The guns are absurd. In the right hands, they will 2 shot you, in your hands they won't kill. No matter how many shots you put in.

Snipers are an actual joke taking 3 to 5 shots to kill.

The Ultimate's range from being handy to useless.

Your character often has a strange glow that makes it very hard to stay hidden.

Weapon xp is simply retarded. You get more xp by holding the gun then actually using it.

The Legends are mostly annoying. Some will talk as if the Apex games are a tightrope of life and death and others talk as if it's just a backyard BBQ party.

The maps are fine

The community seemingly has a 30/70 split between helpful and hateful respectively. Either they complain about your lack of experience and demand that you leave. There is a shocking amount of randoms that will go off on their own and then die and in a shocking twist leave the game. Of which they will be penalized for. It's every 2 or 3 rounds.

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