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lotta info, theres a heck load of info here idk what you are talking about, what are you talking about even, are you talking to a wall or something, or mabey the new coat of paint that was recently put on? Mabey even about something past the wall, through the sounds that you hear, all the way past the earth and into the atmosphere where planes fly and birds dive, or even past that to the satellites above and the space station looking back at you even at the other side of the planet, but when you look past all that you see planets, stars, galaxys and the universe, you see the sun going through our own milky way travelling along its road with some hitchhickers along with it, the planets, called: mercury, venus, earth, moon, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto and Ceres. Now why was Ceres capitalized? Probably due to the human nature and the cosmic nonsense that I was talking about earlyer, but was I really talking? no. Now back to the solar system - the planets they rotate and orbit with immense speeds and fly past one another, occasionally having a visitor known as comets, they can have trails with blazing power. The Big Bang theory also wields immense power. However it's just a theory just like many other theorys: Flat earth, Universe, Happiness, String Theory etc etc. The universe is large, mabey just as large as this text you wasted your time reading. However I need to include some more filler text because schools teach you to, anyways, filler text time. Now how can I go about putting more text into this stupid "peice" of writing I spontaniously decided was a good idea, darn, mabey I could just simple copy a horrible peice of literature that people will be disgusted by, but thats probably not one of the best ideas. Anyhow, filler filler filler, could copy that word a bunch but then people would see its that word repeated over and over again and not bother to read it. also a good idea is to abruptly end this piece of wonderful yet stupid, and horrible litter
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:Goku: no more goku in celebration for the new movie coming out RAAAAAAAAAAAH
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