KNGGM ✪︎Titi
George   Tulcea, Tulcea, Romania
Exista doar doua feluri de oameni: oameni sfinti care se considera pacatosi si oameni pacatosi care se considera sfinti. Blaise Pascal
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Alexis ✫ 2020. jún. 22., 4:47 
🎄 Dear KNGGM ✪︎Titi... 🎽
→ When the fog came in on little cat feet last night, it left these little muddy paw prints on the hood of my car.
→ I love dogs, but I hate Chihuahuas. A Chihuahua isn't a dog. It's a rat with a thyroid problem.

🥞 ✱ 💃 ✱ 🚕 ✱ 💗 ✱ 🐊 ✱ 🚘 ✱ 🌸 ✱ 🌏 ✱ 👳 ✱ 👽 ✱ 👹 ✱ 📗 ✱ 💙 ✱ 😺 ✱ 🐝
Yours truly, Burton Mottillo (the cat)
🏀 🥒
ez 2018. márc. 20., 10:17 
Hey, bro, PROMOCODE FOR $25: 252018 | Dont needed deposit for withdraw ! {HIVATKOZÁS TÖRÖLVE} ( dmskins .com )
DjAlex2k18/ 2018. febr. 28., 10:28 
+rep pro awp-er !
Teo 2018. febr. 28., 3:16 
+rep good player
CLOSE 2018. febr. 14., 8:42 
Bobu 2018. jan. 6., 4:00 
+rep Good teammate :)